Prayers of Confession on Eschatology (The Second Coming of Christ)


Lord God, we rejoice in your resurrection and in your promise to return. Help us live today as people who await the fulfillment of your kingdom. We confess we often look for comfort outside of you. Bend our knees to the hard work of prayer, worship, repentance, and intercession. Throughout history you have used the seemingly weak to nurture justice, to fight poverty, and to walk bravely toward human thrones of power proclaiming another way. Help us find comfort and hope in our afflictions, knowing you are present with us always. In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.

Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

Lord God, give us hearts of great expectation as we wait for the glorious return of our Savior, Jesus, the Son of God. We confess far too many daily moments of apathy, indifference, and distraction. Forgive us, Lord, for these patterns of passionless discipleship. Instead, plant in us a sense of adventure, a growing excitement over Christ’s coming. May we be full of joy even now as we anticipate the day of His arrival. And may we be found faithful in that moment. All this we pray in the merciful name of Jesus.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Call to Confession: The prophet asks the Lord’s people, “Who can endure the Lord’s coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.” Let us come before Almighty God in humility, confessing our sins.

Prayer of Confession: Holy God, we claim to be without fault, meanwhile we neglect the orphan, the widow, the destitute, and the stranger. Like the people of Judah, we care only of justice when it impacts us. We assume that your covenant faithfulness allows us to live however we want. Refine us, O Lord. Mold us and shape us. Purify us through the saving power of your Son, Jesus, as we silently confess our self-centered ways to you now.

Austin D. Hill

Call to Confession: The prophet asks the Lord’s people, “Who can endure the Lord’s coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.” Let us come before Almighty God in humility, confessing our sins.

Prayer of Confession: Almighty God, you have been in our midst, and we have not been faithful. We fail to acknowledge your presence, living as if we can do whatever we want. We ignore the needs of others, we ignore your commands, and we wonder why we aren’t aware of your presence. Please forgive us for our inattentiveness toward you and your ways. Please help us to see you in our midst as come to you in silent confession.

Time of silent reflection


Austin D. Hill

Even as we eagerly await your return, Lord Jesus, we must confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart, with our entire mind, nor with all of our strength. We have loved our rituals and our ruts more than you. Forgive us our complacency and our unwarranted fear of death. Your sacrifice has once and for all covered all our sins. We trust your salvation. Amen

Bud Thoreen


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