Sermon & Worship Resources

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Welcome to The Pastor's Workshop, your trusted hub for enhancing your preaching and worship services. With handpicked insights from top pastors and scholars, our resources are designed to seamlessly integrate into your services. Elevate your sermons and empower your congregation with compelling, transformative storytelling tools. Join us to create a customized spiritual journey that resonates every week.

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Or do you simply want to elevate your preaching and worship planning to the next level? Trust our
weekly resources for inspirational storytelling and transformative worship planning.

Our Curated Library of Resources


Sermon Illustrations

Preach with the power of stories. Preach vibrant and memorable sermons with illustrations that engage hearts and minds.


Sermon Quotes

Surprise, provoke, make a point, or get a laugh using our library of quotes.


Pieces of Liturgy

Craft services that unite your congregation as they worship with prayers for all themes, scripture, and occasions.


Lectionary Guides

Get a jump on Sunday planning with preaching insights, inspiration, discussion questions, and themed liturgy.


Additional Pieces of Content

Discover topical and scripture guides, sermon series, service templates and more!

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A group of friends at a coffee shop

What others are saying

Jerry Deck

Lead Pastor, Zionsville Presbyterian Church

Zionsville, Indiana

I have found The Pastor’s Workshop to be an incredible resource for getting my creative juices flowing, especially in those moments (which we all have) when we seem stuck and inspiration is non-existent.

Thanks Stu for all your work on this remarkable site!

Cora Taitt

Pastor, Highbridge Community Church

New York City

I want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for the Pastor’s Workshop site. I visit the site weekly and especially like the weekly illustrations and quotes. My church often uses one of the “Call to Worship” during our Sunday Worship service. The scriptural based Calls to Worship organized by topic is a real blessing to my Congregation.

Praying that God continues to bless this work.

Ethan Magness

Ethan Magness

Rector and Founding Pastor, Grace Anglican Church

Grove City, Pennsylvania

Even for a stodgy Anglican with a Book of Common Prayer that serves-up-the-script for our worship services, I still benefit greatly from

This site presents intriguing, fresh quotes and stories that deepen the homiletical craft, and all those non-Anglicans out there can find biblically and theologically grounded liturgical helps that will deepen worship.

Heather Ghormley

Rector & Founding Pastor, Tree of Life Anglican Church

Mishwaka, Indiana

I love preaching and putting together worship services, but we all have those moments when we simply do not have the mental energy or time to do it on our own. In those moments I now turn to What a Godsend.

There are dozens of pithy, theologically helpful sermon illustrations as well as those great quotes you half remember but can’t quite put your finger on when you need them. This is not just sermon filler; it’s sermon power.

Joshua M. Mikelson

Pastor, Kemnay Parish Church

Aberdeenshire, Scotland

As a solo pastor of a busy parish church (and a PhD candidate) in Scotland, my time for sermon prep is often limited to a few precious hours a week, sometimes even less. Even though we live in an age of voluminous online resources, very few of them offer anything more than a mile-wide and inch-deep approach to the tasks of preaching and Christian discipleship.

Anyone who utilizes this resource will find a wealth of spiritual treasures for the taking, and therefore I warmly commend The Pastor’s Workshop to everyone who has an interest in preaching God’s Word in a faithful and effective manner.

Jerry Deck

Lead Pastor, Zionsville Presbyterian Church

Zionsville, Indiana

I have found The Pastor’s Workshop to be an incredible resource for getting my creative juices flowing, especially in those moments (which we all have) when we seem stuck and inspiration is non-existent.

Thanks Stu for all your work on this remarkable site!

Cora Taitt

Pastor, Highbridge Community Church

New York City

I want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for the Pastor’s Workshop site. I visit the site weekly and especially like the weekly illustrations and quotes. My church often uses one of the “Call to Worship” during our Sunday Worship service. The scriptural based Calls to Worship organized by topic is a real blessing to my Congregation.

Praying that God continues to bless this work.

Ethan Magness

Ethan Magness

Rector and Founding Pastor, Grace Anglican Church

Grove City, Pennsylvania

Even for a stodgy Anglican with a Book of Common Prayer that serves-up-the-script for our worship services, I still benefit greatly from

This site presents intriguing, fresh quotes and stories that deepen the homiletical craft, and all those non-Anglicans out there can find biblically and theologically grounded liturgical helps that will deepen worship.

Jerry Deck

Lead Pastor, Zionsville Presbyterian Church

Zionsville, Indiana

I have found The Pastor’s Workshop to be an incredible resource for getting my creative juices flowing, especially in those moments (which we all have) when we seem stuck and inspiration is non-existent.

Thanks Stu for all your work on this remarkable site!

Cora Taitt

Pastor, Highbridge Community Church

New York City

I want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for the Pastor’s Workshop site. I visit the site weekly and especially like the weekly illustrations and quotes. My church often uses one of the “Call to Worship” during our Sunday Worship service. The scriptural based Calls to Worship organized by topic is a real blessing to my Congregation.

Praying that God continues to bless this work.

Ethan Magness

Ethan Magness

Rector and Founding Pastor, Grace Anglican Church

Grove City, Pennsylvania

Even for a stodgy Anglican with a Book of Common Prayer that serves-up-the-script for our worship services, I still benefit greatly from

This site presents intriguing, fresh quotes and stories that deepen the homiletical craft, and all those non-Anglicans out there can find biblically and theologically grounded liturgical helps that will deepen worship.

Heather Ghormley

Rector & Founding Pastor, Tree of Life Anglican Church

Mishwaka, Indiana

I love preaching and putting together worship services, but we all have those moments when we simply do not have the mental energy or time to do it on our own. In those moments I now turn to What a Godsend.

There are dozens of pithy, theologically helpful sermon illustrations as well as those great quotes you half remember but can’t quite put your finger on when you need them. This is not just sermon filler; it’s sermon power.

Joshua M. Mikelson

Pastor, Kemnay Parish Church

Aberdeenshire, Scotland

As a solo pastor of a busy parish church (and a PhD candidate) in Scotland, my time for sermon prep is often limited to a few precious hours a week, sometimes even less. Even though we live in an age of voluminous online resources, very few of them offer anything more than a mile-wide and inch-deep approach to the tasks of preaching and Christian discipleship.

Anyone who utilizes this resource will find a wealth of spiritual treasures for the taking, and therefore I warmly commend The Pastor’s Workshop to everyone who has an interest in preaching God’s Word in a faithful and effective manner.

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