Unholy Power Plays

Unholy Power Plays

One of the three diabolical tests of Jesus in the Judean wilderness is the “temptation to be powerful” as Henri Nouwen puts it in his 1989 reflection on Christian leadership, “In the Name of Jesus.” Satan’s offer to grant Jesus subordinate authority over the kingdoms...
The Value of Lent (Part II)

The Value of Lent (Part II)

I think it was about a year ago I was talking with a close friend from seminary and he said something that has stuck with me ever since. What he said was something to the effect of, “I really look forward to Lent these days because it’s a chance to...
The Value of Lent (Part I)

The Value of Lent (Part I)

As someone who grew up Catholic but who “crossed the Tiber north” in middle school (to Presbyterian land), I’ve experienced at least a few different perspectives on whether or not Christians should participate in the season of Lent. The argument I...
Blessed Are the Meek?

Blessed Are the Meek?

I don’t like to be meek. I like to be in control. I like to be right, independent, strong, organized, able to handle whatever happens to me, viewed positively by people and on top of my emotions. I am a “Gut” personality on the Enneagram. That includes Perfectionist...
Blessed Are the Peacemakers?

Blessed Are the Peacemakers?

We may (mis)use Jesus’ beatitude to be a people-pleaser, conflict-avoider, referee for other people’s conflicts, or fixer of problems. But in Matthew 5:8 Jesus is not saying, “Be a peacemaker and God will bless you.” As I explain in my booklet Jesus’ Greatest...