A group of friends at a coffee shop


Never Stop Learning, Always Growing

The bottom line is this: never grow complacent. Never grow tired of learning. As soon as we stop learning we lose the capacity to grow and mature in our work and our relationships. This continual learning enables us to grow in wisdom, which is to say that through learning we experience personal transformation. 

We acquire skills through learning. But more, we discover ourselves through learning and develop a more expansive and holistic life perspective. And we can learn from everything, every day—whether through the human responses in a doctor’s waiting room, through the people around us on the bus or through the morning newspaper.

…In all of this I am assuming that whenever we learn, we are expanding heart and mind, and that through learning we become people with depth and breadth of soul.

Taken from Courage and Calling by Gordon T. Smith. ©2011 by Gordon T. Smith. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove IL 60515-1426. www.ivpress.com