America’s Habit for Lawyers

We love to sue people don’t we?

And just to prove this point, I want to point out just how many lawyers live in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world.

Listen to this, according to census data, the US’ population is a little under 4 ½ percent of the world’s population.

Now I’d like you to guess what percentage of the world’s lawyers reside in the U.S.

Remember, 4 % of the world’s population live in the u.s. so what percentage of the world’s laywers live here? It should be, all things equal, around 4 % right, now, you take into consideration that a lot of the world’s population lives in poorer countries than our own, so it should be a bit higher…

So what do you think? Can I get a guess? The answer is 70%. 70% of the world’s lawyers live in our country.

That comes out to 1,300,705 licensed lawyers in our country. And basic principles of economics tells us, that we have that many lawyers because there is demand for them. And that means…we love to sue each other!

Stuart Strachan Jr.

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