Prayers of the People/Intercession on Wisdom

Sermon Illustrations on Wisdom

O God, the Father of the forsaken, the help of the weak, the supplier of the needy, you have distributed and proportioned your gifts to body and soul, in such sort that all may acknowledge and perform the joyous duty of mutual service; you teach us that love towards the human race is the bond of perfection, and the imitation of your blessed self; open our eyes and touch our hearts, that we may see and do, both for this world and for that which is to come, the things which belong unto our peace.

Strengthen us in the work we have undertaken; give us counsel and wisdom, per­severance, faith and passion, and in your own good time, and accord­ing to your pleasure, bless our work. Pour into us a spirit of humility; let nothing be done but in devout obedience to your will, thankfulness for your unspeakable mercies, and love to your adorable Son Christ Jesus. Amen.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Language modernized and adapted for Corporate Worship by Stuart Strachan Jr.

Lord Jesus: knowing that you are good and strong, loving, wise, holy and faithful, we come to you today in prayer for all the needs and concerns in our minds and hearts. Lord, we pray for Your whole church and for this congregation, that we might live as your followers, citizens of your kingdom, walking in grace and truth, loved and affirmed by You (We pray especially for… church leaders…and all God’s People.) 

O God, who rules forever in power and grace, justice and compassion:ever keeping watch over the nations: We pray for all nations of the earth, that love would guide us and genuine peace prevail. We pray for our nation, our community, and all in authority. (Our president, vice president, congress and judges …) 

For wisdom to know the good and right way, and for the courage to lead us in that way for your glory and our good. Lord Jesus, as you gave sight to the blind, restored the crippled and healed lepers…,we pray that you would heal those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, and we pray especially for … 

You hold our souls in life, O God, and will not allow our feet to slip. We pray for those we love celebrating with joy, birthdays, anniversaries and accomplishments …Give them joy in your grace.Father God, we remember our Lord’s resurrection which we celebrate every Sunday as we remember before you those who’ve died, (especially…) 

May they rest with Christ in eternal glory; and may their families and loved ones find comfort in your presence and in the promise of the resurrection.Lord Jesus, in your faithfulness to us, you shower us with grace, mercy, love, and all we need; we pray that you would shape our hearts that they would be filled with gratitude, so we will always turn to you and give thanks.

Richard Herman

God of love—Father, Son and Holy Spirit: You loved us before we ever knew You. Give us such a deep love for You, that we can see the world as You see it, feel the compassion You feel, and be a people whose lives facilitate Your love to others. So open our eyes that we might see what the Good Samaritan saw. 

Grant us the insight to see the need in others, the wisdom to know what to do, and the will to do it. Therefore, we pray for all those, who in many and various ways, have been stripped, beaten and left for dead; for those devastated by natural disasters; for those whose lives were irrevocably changed by a mass shooting, or other act of terrorism. We pray for children who must grow up in the most awful of circumstances, especially for those starved of love, or food, or shelter or security. 

May they receive the future you have planned for them. We pray for those we might cross the road to avoid; who’ve been excluded socially because of their race, their financial status, or their history. May the dignity that is theirs be restored to them. 

We pray for those whose needs we would rather not face up to, because it requires action from us, those who suffer atrocities because of war, unjust trade rules, or oppressive governments. May the world truly see their suffering and what causes it… and justice be done. 

Open our eyes, that we might not cross the road from human need. Give us a deep love for You, that we might see Your love at work in this world, and that we might “go and do likewise.” With eyes wide open to Your love and grace, we humbly ask You to hear our prayers for those ill or injured, for those whose sickness is incurable by us, for those unjustly imprisoned, for those without hope, and those who are homeless or abandoned. 

As You move toward us in love, lead us in Jesus’ name to be with them in their suffering as Your Spirit is close to them. We pray for your hand of blessing to be upon all those on our prayer list…We also ask you to bless those we now name before you in the silence of our hearts… and we ask You to strengthen their caregivers. 

Jesus, please give hope to the dying and comfort all who mourn–whether their grief is fresh or lingering. Indeed, please uphold all who suffer in body or mind, not only those we know and love but also those known only to You… that they may know the peace and joy of Your upholding care. 

Lord Jesus, we pray for Your church around the world: that You’ll empower its life and witness. Break down barriers that divide us and, instead, unite us in Your truth and love, so that our witness brings glory to You and hope to the world. Strengthen this congregation in its work and worship. Fill hearts with Your self-giving love; enable voices to speak Your praise; and bring lives into conformity to the image of your Son, Jesus our Lord. Amen. 

Richard Herman

Prayer for Holy Resistance

Break our hearts Jesus
so we may weep as You weep
Love as You love

Break our hearts Jesus and raise our voices
so we may speak and act so all may be safe
so all may have opportunity
so all may know dignity and belonging

Lord Jesus
take away our fear, our apathy, our silence
Grant us
Your courage, Your strength, Your perseverance

So we may be Your sanctuary
Your safe place of presence

So we may live Your justice
and use Your power with wisdom and humility

So we may be Your whole and holy people
people of integrity and truth

So we may speak and act and love
again and again and again
till every dividing wall of hate, fear, and inequity
comes crashing down in Your Powerful Name

The congregation is invited to offer their own prayers for justice and equity

Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, Savior of the Nations,
teach us to pray and teach us to live Your prayer…

Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer

Prayer for Holy Resistance © 2017, updated 2023 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,