Prayers of the People/Intercession on The Trinity

Sermon Illustrations on the Trinity

Lord, may your glorious Majesty surround us, 

the blessed Trinity protect us, 

and the eternal Godhead preserve us. 

Your unlimited mercy support us; 

your loving kindness encompass us; 

your favor cause us to rejoice. 

The eternal truth of God be our delight, 

the saving knowledge of Christ strengthen us, 

and the all-prevailing grace of God be sufficient for us. 

May the grace of God the Father lead us, 

the wisdom of God the Son be our consolation, 

and the power of the Holy Spirit enlighten us.
Lord our Creator, stand by us; 

our Redeemer, save us; 

and our Comforter, dwell with us. 


Johann Habermann, Trans. Emil H. Rausch, Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week, Language adapted for Corporate Worship by Stuart Strachan Jr.

Holy Trinity, Community of Love

 Holy Trinity, Community of Love,

Draw us together in your creative light

Root us in the ground of your being,

Vulnerable before one another,

Unashamed in your presence and each other’s

Make us joyful in the ways you gift each of us:

Quick to celebrate, serve, and share

Quick to live your love


Holy Trinity, Community of Love © 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Triune God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit: our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer; you created, redeemed, and sustain all who call on Your name in any language, place and time.  We come to you as Lord of all … and our Lord …with thanks for the life of grace you give us as we live amidst this tumultuous world.  

Where fear grips us—give us faith to overcome fear; and give us love—Your perfect love—to cast out fear.  For those who are sick—give them Your best: healing, strength, good help, and hope.  

For those who grieve—comfort them with your presence, and with the love of Your people, in the joyous expectation of resurrection life in You.  For our nation: we ask you to raise up leaders who will bring out the best in us and who can further the cause of righteousness, justice and truth for all… not just for some.  

And for Your church—for this church: We want to be compassionate toward the poor, as you are.  We want to declare the Gospel, as you call us.  We want to be bold and courageous in our living it, as your Spirit gifts and empowers us.  Help us, Lord, to be more like You. 

Lord: hear our prayers—those spoken and those left unspoken, for we offer them all in the name above every name, the name of Jesus.  AMEN

Richard Herman

Lord–bless your people this day. God our Father—in Your love and compassion; Jesus, God the Son–with Your grace and truth; Spirit of God–in Your power and with Your love. Triune God, pour out Your bounty on Your people today and always. For those who are sick–heal and make them whole. For those who grieve–comfort and encourage them. 

For those who are worried and anxious–give them the peace of Your presence. For the lonely–provide companionship. For the discouraged–give them hope. For the lost–show them the way home. God our Father—in Your love and compassion: hear our prayers and answer. For those whose relationships have crumbled or dissolved—be the reconciler: restore husbands and wives, parents and children, friends, siblings and colleagues to one another. 

For those who hunger–give them food to nourish body and soul. For those who are homeless–put a roof over their heads and a place  to sleep soundly at nigh. For those burdened with sin and guilt–be their Savior & Redeemer. Jesus, God the Son–in Your grace and truth: hear our prayers and answer. For those who lead nations–give them wisdom and a heart for justice and compassion. 

For those of all nations–grant peace instead of war, freedom instead of fear, and understanding instead of suspicion. For all people of different cultures, races and tongues–may your Gospel bring new life, lasting hope and abundant joy. 

And for those who serve as missionaries among all such peoples–give them courage, endurance and joy in their mission. Spirit of God–in Your power and with Your love: hear our prayers and answer. 

For Your church–make us one, Lord, even as You—Father, Son and Spirit—are one! One heart, one purpose, one spirit and one hope.  For this church–give us a clear vision and a burning heart for Your kingdom … and enable in us a strong commitment to do whatever it takes to be who You want us to be. All this we pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN

Richard Herman

God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit–You know what it’s like to be many and one at the same time. In You, we too are many … yet one. You’ve made us one body—a single family unified for one purpose; with one baptism—giving us a single identity. You’ve given us one Spirit—Your Spirit; and one hope—in the same future. And, with one faith we trust You for our salvation, our one Lord, Jesus Christ. 

So together, with one voice and a single heart, we hold varied anxieties and hope, concerns and commitments, and give them to You. For those we love who are ill or injured, anticipating surgery or recovering from it–we pray healing of body, peace of mind and trust in You. 

For families who gather this week–we ask safety in travel, joy in shared times; and where reconciliation is needed to bring a marriage and family together, we ask You to give grace, humility, forgiveness and growth in love and trust. For those who can’t be together this week–we ask peace. 

May Your grace give reason for thanks in shared memories. For our nation–so blessed by You over the years, we offer thanks: for freedom, for abundance of resources, for the ability to worship You unafraid. Yet, we’ve also grown proud of our power, our wealth and our technologies. Forgive us for turning to other gods to lead and protect us; and for when we’ve trusted ourselves too much and You too little. 

For our world, so splintered by national interest and suspicion, by prejudice and hatred: we pray for understanding and empathy, justice and compassion between peoples. Strengthen Your missionaries, keep them faithful in serving You as they declare and live Your gospel as lights throughout a dark world. For Your Church, for this church–we thank You. Thank You for Your people who love us as we are, who care for us when we hurt, who lift us up when we fall, who are there when we are in need. Thank You for a church that’s faithful to proclaim and demonstrate Your truth with grace and compassion. Thank You for ministries that quietly change lives, for leaders who faithfully serve and for all who sacrificially give of themselves. So, with thanksgiving in our hearts, we pray all this, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN

Richard Herman