Prayers of the People/Intercession on The Future

Sermon Illustrations on the Future

Our loving Father, You’ve loved us from everlasting to everlasting. While looking into the future we see only mist and shadows—you see it all with clarity and precision. That which we can only guess at —You know full well. And while we fumble around through life—You do all things well! You’re the God who knows … and the God who acts on our behalf; and you do it freely because of your grace, love, and mercy. It’s a gift—all of it. 

So, we’re confident praying to ask you to please…Heal those we love—whether they’re ill in body or mind, spirit or emotions. For those who are broken—please mend them. For those who are sick—please cure them. For those who are addicted—please free them. And, …

For those who are depressed—please lift their spirits from the pit and give them hope. For those who grieve–we ask that you’d give them your peace and comfort. For those who are lonely–we ask you to both be a companion and to give them friends for life’s journey. For those who need the basics of food, shelter, clothing, and safety–we ask you to provide those things and give them all they need for life and godliness. 

For those overwhelmed by the push, pull, rush, and hurry of our society–we ask you to come and quiet their restless souls, calm their racing minds, and give them peace: real peace, lasting peace … Your peace. 

As we look into our own futures with apprehension and anxiety, please open our eyes, enable us to see the hand that holds eternity—your hand; and enable us to know that Your hand is good and strong, that it’s loving and true; and with that vision, give us boldness as we move into the coming weeks, months, and years. This is our heart’s desire–this is our prayer:offered in the name of Jesus, Messiah. AMEN

Richard Herman

Gracious God–Giver of all good gifts: We praise You. You give us the wonder of creation and You give us life. We praise You, Father. You give us forgiveness of our sins with salvation and eternal life. We praise You, Jesus–God the Son. You give us Your own living presence with gifts of power for life and spiritual gifts for service. We praise You, Spirit of the Living God. We celebrate the gifts of our children, Your expression of hope for our future. We celebrate the gifts of families, into which you place us; and the gift of Your family, the church. We celebrate new life and we celebrate new families begun in marriages. We celebrate your covenant faithfulness witnessed in baptism. 

Time and time again, You’re faithful to us; which is why we thank you and praise you. It’s why we trust You with what weighs heavily on our hearts.We pray for those who need your protection and healing. 

For all the hospitalized, ill, injured and recuperating–strengthen their bodies, encourage their souls, restore their health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We pray for all who mourn–for our friends and loved ones. We pray Your peace and comfort for them. Restore their hope and bring Your people alongside them to give a helping hand and a supporting shoulder. 

We pray also for our world so filled with suspicion, hatred, isolation, envy, greed, and fear. Bring peace out of war. Replace prejudice with understanding, hunger with food, thirst with water, homelessness with shelter, rejection with acceptance and compassion. Give national leaders wisdom–enable them to be just and compassionate, courageous and honest. 

May your kingdom come … soon. For the church–we pray. Make your people daring, faithful, and true; and enable us to love, really love–each other, our neighbors and the world so that all may know Your gospel is true because they can see Your gospel in action. Encourage our missionary friends, serving You in distant places and different cultures. All this, and more, we pray to Your glory. AMEN

Richard Herman

Prayer for the Future of the Human Race

O God our heavenly Father, you have blessed us and given us dominion over all the earth: Increase our reverence before the mystery of life; and give us new insight into your purposes for the human race, and new wisdom and determination in making provision for its future in accordance with your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)