Prayers of the People/Intercession on Restoration

Prayers of Confession on Restoration

May we be no one’s enemy, and may we be the friend of all that is eternal and abides with Christ.

May we never quarrel with those nearest us; and if we do, may we be reconciled quickly.

May we love, seek, and attain only that which is good.

May we wish for everyone’s happiness and envy none.

May we never celebrate the misfortune of one who has wronged us.

May we win no victory that harms either us or our opponents.

May we help reconcile friends who are angry with one another. May we,to the best of our abilities, provide help to our friends and all who are in want.

May we never fail a friend who is in danger.

May we respect ourselves. Amen.

Eusebius of Caesarea, Adapted

God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Lord of all our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows: thank you that we don’t need to be afraid of what’s coming because you’re already there ahead of us. Nothing takes you by surprise. Nothing confuses you or confounds you. 

There’s never a drop of sweat on your upper lip from anxiety, worry or panic. Therefore, trusting not ourselves but you, we open our hearts to your strength and love today, giving over what we can’t change so you can. 

For those ill or injured, anticipating surgery or recovering from it, for those who await test results or who are anxious for another: come, as our Healer; and dispel diseases of body, soul, mind and emotions. Speed recovery. Strengthen care-givers. Assuage fears and restore trust in your power. 

For those who mourn, whether grief is fresh or lingering: come, as the Resurrection and the Life; and console the grieving. Comfort and companion the lonely. Share in tears of sorrow and in laughter at remembering. Impart hope for this life, and hope for beyond the grave. 

For those with relationships coming apart at the seams; for families stressed by estrangement, separation, or divorce; for friends divided by anger; or colleagues separated by differences, for any alienated by sin from someone they’ve loved–Jesus, come as the great Mediator and Reconciler: break proud spirits–and replace them with humble hearts. 

Enable each to speak truth in love; to repent and to forgive; to be patient and gracious with one another and with their own selves. Restore them to the right relationship with each other. For peoples, countries and nations–including our own: come as King of Kings, as Lord of all and Prince of Peace. For those in leadership–give them wisdom from above; and the courage to do what is right, not just expedient or politically correct. 

In dangerous places and in war zones: Protect the innocent. Guard combatants, especially our own sons and daughters, from harm–and their families from fear and anxiety. Insure justice and mercy, truth and freedom, so the Gospel may flourish in hard places,as your people live safely there.

For missionaries and pastors, congregations and evangelists, who live your truth and declare your truth in hostile nations or among indifferent people: come as Light and Truth, with grace and love: keep your people faithful. Strengthen missionaries whose vigor flags; and encourage them when they’re discouraged. This is our prayer in Your name, Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman

God of grace and truth—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Thank You.  Thank You for being there even when we don’t feel it.  Thank You for keeping Your eyes on us, even when we lose sight of You.  Thank You for Your faithfulness in the face of our faithlessness.  And that’s why we can come to You as we are … with what troubles us.  

We pray for those in need of Your healing grace today—whether in body or mind, in soul or relationships.  You are the Lord our Healer—please restore and make them well.  We pray for those who need Your comforting grace, as well; for those who mourn—whether their grief is fresh or lingering.  You are the Lord our Companion and Comforter—give them Your peace, that peace which surpasses all understanding, consoling our hearts, minds and souls.  

We pray for our world and our nation—where fear looms large and chaos seems to reign, You are still the Sovereign One whose promises are true and whose arm is strong.  We pray for peace—between peoples and nations.  We pray for supernatural wisdom to be given to the leaders of nations.  We pray for the restraint of evil; and we pray that what is right and good, would prevail–we pray for the coming of Your kingdom!  

For our community—we pray for those who have too little: too little food, too little hope, too little work, too little money to afford a safe, warm shelter, clothing and medical care; and too little compassion from others.  We pray as well for those who have too much—so much that it numbs them to the needs of others, or even the true state of their own souls; and deadens them to the wonder of generosity.  

We pray for Your church—and for our church: or Your church living and even thriving in places where it’s not just hard but dangerous to name Your name; Your church that struggles to live and service faithfully in a world where truth is up for grabs, values are set by advertisers, and ethics and morality are based on expedience or pleasure.  

May we be a colony of heaven on earth; a people of grace and truth, a peculiar people who dare to defy the world’s ways, a people who are clear about who we are and what we believe …as Your holy people.  This is our prayer—offered in the name of Jesus, the crucified, risen and living Christ.  AMEN

Richard Herman

God of Grace–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: You are good and You are almighty.  You alone are worthy of our faith and trust and so we come to You with our hopes and hurts, our disappointments and dreams, grateful for Your invitation to come and pour out our hearts to You.  

We all have friends, family and acquaintances who need healing and encouragement today.  Heal the sick; aid the recovering; strengthen the weak; and mend the injured.  Give care-givers what they need to be able to help.  

There are others who grieve today.  Comfort them with Your love in the presence of those who care.  Give them Your restorative peace, and fill them with hope.  

Our world smells of fear.  We often feel powerless to do anything: but You can.  So we pray that You will.  

We pray for our nation: Give leaders wisdom to see the good and right way; and the courage to lead us in it.  Grant them the grace and humility to overcome pride in order to move forward.  

In the church world-wide: strengthen Your people to serve others, to give a clear testimony to your love and Good News, and to face opposition and persecution with perseverance and grace.  

Encourage those who serve in mission and empower those who minister, preach, and teach.  Enable us all to serve You with creativity, imagination, and love and so further Your kingdom of grace, truth, and love.  

For this church … for us … enable us to likewise serve faithfully and to devotedly share the Gospel in word and deed with our families, neighbors, and friends.  All this, and more, we pray in the name of Jesus.  AMEN

Richard Herman

We thank You, God our Father, for Your grace, mercy and love, expressed today through Your Word and Sacrament; and we ask You to help us to pray and to know what to pray. You give us all good gifts: You give us Your Son, the true bread of heaven, the food of eternal life. You give us Your Spirit, to live within us as living water welling up into new life and hope. 

You give us Your Word—to reveal Your love, character, and purposes, and to guide and direct us on our life’s journey. You give us Your Church—fellow-believers, companions with us in the way, as friends when we are lonely and encouragers when we are discouraged. You give us healing when we’re injured or ill physically, spiritual, emotionally or mentally. 

So we ask: please restore all who need your healing touch; and strengthen those who give care and aid. You give comfort when we mourn, peace when we are in distress, hope when we feel disheartened, strength when we feel weak, and You give Your Son for our salvation. 

We thank You and praise You! So now, we ask you to strengthen us in Your service by the spiritual nourishment we will receive today in Your Word and sacrament, in the fellowship of Your people, and through the commission of Your Son so that our daily living before a watching world, may show our thanks to You, draw people to You and Your kingdom, and that You may gain all the glory. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Richard Herman