Prayers of the People/Intercession on Rest

Prayers of Confession on Rest

Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep [tonight],

and give your angels charge over those who sleep.

Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ,

rest your weary ones.

Bless your dying ones.

Soothe your suffering ones.

Pity your afflicted ones.

Shield your joyous ones.

And all for your love’s sake, Amen.

Augustine of Hippo, Evening Prayer, Language adapted for Corporate Worship by Stuart Strachan Jr.

Holy God–Father, Son and Spirit: We come with our agendas in order to enlist you in our causes but You won’t be co-opted for our small visions. Instead, You hold out a greater vision and purpose and invite us to follow rather than lead. 

You invite us to do something bigger, something more lasting, something that pushes us beyond our limits. And you even give us what we need to live Your calling and vision–Your presence with us, Your power in us, Your unconditional love for us, Your call to us and Your grace all around us. 

We are not alone. That’s why we are so bold today to come to You in prayer with our doubts, anxieties, worries, weights and dreams. We pray for those who are afflicted physically, emotionally or spiritually; and boldly ask that You heal them. Keep them from discouragement during times of recuperation. 

Give them Your certain hope for tomorrow, the hope that overcomes fear or worry. For those who grieve, comfort them with Your resurrection hope and the assurance of Your gracious presence. Surround them with supportive people who can share Your enduring love with them in little acts of kindness and care. 

Joyfully we pray for new families formed in marriage, or in birth; and families that have been reunited or reconciled with each other. We pray for Your continual care in our marriages and families so the world may see in our homes a clear and compelling reflection of Your love for us and of our love for You. 

For summertime retreat and relaxation that brings renewal in vacation or leisure moments, for Your daily provision, for this nation where we can worship freely …we give You thanks. We pray on behalf of our country’s leaders–our president, vice president, legislators and judges, that you will enable them to understand Your truth, to acknowledge Your righteousness and give them the courage to lead us in Your ways. 

And, we ask that You bless and protect our young men and women serving in harm’s way–may they know Your presence and acknowledge Your grace each day. Mend broken hearts and shattered lives. Encourage the dispirited and discouraged. Provide for those who lack much, and inspire generosity in those who have much. Make Your church–This church–a “light on the hill” where all may see what we do and be drawn to Your light through us. Make us as salt, creating a thirst for Your living water. And unite all Your people in our town, that one day we’d be known more for the real presence of Christ than for being on the cover of a magazine at the top of their list. May Your revival begin with us. This, and all that is still tucked quietly in our hearts, we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Richard Herman

God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit: We need to hear Your invitation and promise to come to us when we are weary and burdened, and you’ll give us rest … rest for our souls.  So we come.  

We come with our own needs … and with those of our loved ones.  We’re tired—and need your rest.  We’re worried—and need your peace.  We’re confused—and need your guidance.  We’re lost—and need your salvation and rescue.  We can’t do it alone—we need You to help us.  

For those who are ill or injured—we pray for healing.  For those who grieve—we pray for comfort and assurance.  For those who are weak—we ask for strength.  For the homeless, hungry and thirsty—we ask for shelter, food and water.  

For our nation—we pray for righteousness, grace, and truth to increase.  For the world—we ask for peace to overcome war, understanding to displace hatred and suspicion, justice to overcome inequality and wrong, and truth to prevail in all things.  

For missionaries serving You across the globe—we ask for power to stay true to the Gospel in word and in deed, and for the strength to stay engaged with Your love.  For this church—keep us faithful in all things, at all times, in all our words and all our deeds, keeping to all Your will for us.  This we pray in the wonderful name of Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman

Prayer for the Good Use of Leisure

O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)