Prayers of the People/Intercession on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Title Slide

O God, whose dearly beloved Son was greeted by the crowd on Olivet with hallelujahs, but who in that same week was mocked as he went lonely to the Cross, forbid that our welcome to him should be in words alone. Help us, we beg you, to keep the road open for him into our hearts; and let him find there not another crucifixion, but love and loyalty in which his kingdom may be established evermore. Amen.

Walter Russell Bowie

God of Truth and Grace—Father, Son and Holy Spirit: You are our strong Savior and humble King who comes not to intimidate but to love. Today we sing our Hosannas and wave our Palms.  But tomorrow is Monday—and we’ll get up like usual; go to work or class like we do every weekday, too often unconscious of Your presence, Your power,  Your patience and love.  Forgive us for sleepwalking through life.  

Wake us up!  Open our eyes to see You on-the-move, causing a stir, disturbing the comfortable and comforting the disturbed like You did when you entered Jerusalem so long ago. We dare ask You to “Come Jesus” ….  

It’s a dangerous prayer, we know that …but we pray nonetheless: Come Jesus. Come Jesus—heal the sick, strengthen the weak in body and soul, soften hardened hearts and comfort troubled minds.  Come Jesus—support and brace up those who care for loved ones …parents … children … doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, friends.  

Come Jesus—console those who grieve and mourn. Come Jesus—empower the crushed in spirit.  Come Jesus—and give hope to the hopeless. Come Jesus—rescue the perishing and bring the lost home.  Come Jesus—stand with the oppressed and encourage the lonely.  Come Jesus—humble the proud and mighty who trust in their power, the smart and clever who trust their own intellect, as well as the wealthy who trust their money and their stuff.  

Come Jesus—to a world in desperate need of Saving: come to leaders who need wisdom to lead rightly and integrity to lead well; come to places of war, famine, and disaster whether man-made or nature made.  

Come Jesus—to a church in desperate need of You: come to ignite passion for the gospel; come to fire up love for this community; come to move us out of our pews into our world. Come Jesus—to us in this place on this day: come to speak to our hearts and wills, come to remold and remake us after Your own image.  Come Jesus—and then send us for You, as You were sent for us by Your Father.  This we pray in Your name and for the sake of your glory, AMEN

Richard Herman

What did they cry out that first Palm Sunday?


Blessed is the One who comes in the Name of the Lord!

Hosanna to the Son of David!

Hosanna in the Highest!

Hosanna! Save Now!

Jesus, save us

Save us from the oppression of the Romans

Save us from the corruption of the Temple

Save us from slavery to sin and death

Save us from hunger and thirst

Save us

What are you crying out for God to save?

The congregation offers their prayers of petition silently or aloud

Jesus, you are our Living Hope

You are One Who Saves

Salvation means wholeness

Lord, we need it

We need it for ourselves

We need it for our families

We need it for where we work

For our schools and hospitals

For our community and nation

For those who are suffering in body, in mind, in spirit

Salvation means wholeness

Lord, we need it

Bring an end to the evil, injustice, and oppression

Bring an end to the hate, the division, the despairing

Lord, we need your salvation

We need your wholeness and we need it now

In our mourning, our grieving,

In our lamenting, and in our loss

We need it in our rejoicing and our celebration

We need your salvation

We need your wholeness

You are the Lamb of God

You are the King of Kings

You are the Christ, the Anointed One, the Savior of us all

We cling to you and we cling to your cross

We cry Hosanna! Save Now!

Make this real in us

Real in your church

Real in your world

conclude with the Lord’s Prayer

Prayers of the People- Palm Sunday © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,