Prayers of the People/Intercession on Needs

Sermon Illustrations on Need

God of all might and love, who has given us confidence to come to you with our petitions and intercessions, we bring to you the needs of the world. In this time of global ten­sion, when your children are taught to hate and kill one another, we pray for your Spirit to bring peace and recon­ciliation to all. Lead all people and agencies committed to international understanding to turn to the teachings of Jesus Christ for guidance into the way of peace, and inspire the leaders of all nations to prepare a way by which all peoples may walk together as one family under you. Amen.

A Manual for Worship, Ed. John E. Skoglund, Judson Press, 1993.

Good and Gracious God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: we come to You as an impatient people filled with a multitude of desires and needs. We yearn for simple things–the arrival of warm weather, enough time for friends or family, a feeling of competence in our workplaces, the ability to have a day of simple rest.

We also have desires that are more complex–that our national leaders would work for the common good, that the nations of the world would cooperate, that war would be no more, that children would be loved and valued, that women throughout the world would be treated as equal persons under the laws of any nation or village or tribe, that hunger and poverty would be eradicated. 

So, we ask, O God, that You would pour out Your grace this day on each one of us, that You remind us of Your love, and that You would replace any despair with the power of love. Today we rejoice with all who rejoice–in the birth of a child, the healing of relationships, financial provision, health restored, an opportunity for meaningful work…for all Your good gifts to us each day, we give You thanks and praise. 

We also weep with those who weep, asking that You would comfort those who grieve. We also pray for those who are ill or struggling with chronic conditions. We ask You to provide work for the unemployed. We pray for those who have no place to call “home” and for those in prison, for those with too little and for those with too much. 

We even pray for those we would call our enemies and ask for the gift of forgiving hearts. Lord, we see the Bible stories of mighty warriors contrasted with the peace Jesus brings. We wish there was no need for fighting, no need for defending, but we live in a fallen world. 

We long for the day where there will be no more fighting, no more sickness and no more tears. Until then, Lord, we thank you for those who have stood in harm’s way and who have given their lives to defend others. We ask that You bring comfort to the families of those who have lost loved ones while serving. We remember, as well, those who face struggles of any kind and thank you for all who step in to make a difference. 

For those who fight their battles alone, bring hope and help them find the support they need. If we are to be the ones to step into that gap, strengthen us. As well, today, we thank You for those who have gone before us in faith: especially those who conceived of a vision to build this place of worship where, year after year, scripture has been proclaimed, anthems have been sung, loved ones have been commended to your care, children received their first Bibles, couples have spoken their vows, your people have been transformed and commissioned and sent out. 

We pray You would enable us all to look to You for strength, comfort, and guidance. Grant us wisdom from your mind, courage from Your heart, and loving protection by Your hand…this day and always. We’ve been blessed, dear God, to share in this family of faith; and we humbly ask for Your guidance into the future for years to come. We pray these prayers in the name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman


Father God: You know our thoughts, before we speak them. You know our needs, without us saying them. So, You invite us into Your presence, with arms wide open, not to hear our laundry lists of wants and needs. You want us to know You, to love You and to be withYou. Forgive us for treating You more like a heavenly vending machine and less like our Heavenly Father who loves us. 

We want to know You more–for who You are. We want to be more like You–as Your children. We want to follow You wherever You want to take us, for You know what’s good, right and best for us. Today, we give You all our worries and anxieties, which come from bearing burdens we’re never meant to carry; for You are God and we’re not. 

We acknowledge only You can handle them; and we cannot. You’re the healer–and so we place loved ones and friends in Your healing hands. Do for them what only You can do–heal them. Restore bodies to health and wholeness. Calm troubled minds. Break chains of addiction. Overcome disease, and repair injury and wounds. 

We pray today especially for…You’re the Resurrection and the Life–giving hope, peace and comfort to those who mourn loved ones. You’re Lord of the Church–so we thank you for blessings we’ve known as a congregation …the joy of mission, the wonder of learning new things from Your Word, the encouragement of friends who stand with us in tough times, the support of brothers and sisters. 

May we be faithful in living and declaring your good News in our community, our nation and to the ends of the earth. Empower and protect those who are our voices, our hands and our feet in mission–on the West bank in Israel, on the US-Mexican border. This, and more, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. 

Richard Herman

Lord, Teacher, Savior, Friend: We need Your grace, which forgives our sins; Your truth, which anchors our lives; Your presence, which calms our fears; Your call, which gives us purpose; Your hope, which overcomes our despair; and Your love, which satisfies our deepest longings. We need You. 

We need you to do what we can’t: for You are strong and You are good, and we are not. Jesus: Heal our friends and loved ones. Heal their bodies. Save their souls. Lift their discouraged and depressed spirits. Calm their troubled minds and tossing emotions.

We pray especially today for…Rebuild crumbling homes and families. Lay a strong foundation in Your Truth. Fill them with the light of Your Grace. Warm them with the fire of Your Spirit. 

Enable each person to say, “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you.” Make our homes, marriages and families models of your love so that others may see Your gospel lived out and we may know joy in right relationships. We pray for our world: Where there’s fighting, bring peace. Protect those who seek to promote peace, and who serve as agents of justice. 

Empower Your people to live the gospel of peace, to be reconcilers between peoples, and between persons and You as Savior and Lord. We pray for our nation: Send the cleansing fire of your Holy Spirit. Call us to righteousness and away from immorality. Guide us in ways of truth. Judge our sin and our leading others into sin. Make us a holy nation. Forgive us by Your grace and lead us in Your ways. We intercede for our leaders: Nationally: for our President, Vice-President, Senators & Representatives; Justices and Judges; Locally: or freeholders and township officials, for those on school boards and other public servants; And for our church: for it’s pastors, and staff, its elders, deacons, trustees, teachers and volunteers. 

May all know your strength to serve,Your wisdom to teach and lead, Your courage to do what’s right, Your grace when they stray and Your truth to return them to Your way. Now, we pray for our preacher:May we hear Your voice in his/hers. What is not of You–may we forget immediately. What is of You–may we always remember. And when we Hear You, may we follow where You lead. This we pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. 

Richard Herman


Father God: You know our thoughts, before we speak them. You know our needs, without us saying them. So, You invite us into Your presence, with arms wide open, not to hear our laundry lists of wants and needs. You want us to know You, to love You and to be withYou. Forgive us for treating You more like a heavenly vending machine and less like our Heavenly Father who loves us. 

We want to know You more–for who You are. We want to be more like You–as Your children. We want to follow You wherever You want to take us, for You know what’s good, right and best for us. Today, we give You all our worries and anxieties, which come from bearing burdens we’re never meant to carry; for You are God and we’re not. 

We acknowledge only You can handle them; and we cannot. You’re the healer–and so we place loved ones and friends in Your healing hands. Do for them what only You can do–heal them. Restore bodies to health and wholeness. Calm troubled minds. Break chains of addiction. Overcome disease, and repair injury and wounds. 

We pray today especially for…You’re the Resurrection and the Life–giving hope, peace and comfort to those who mourn loved ones. You’re Lord of the Church–so we thank you for blessings we’ve known as a congregation …the joy of mission, the wonder of learning new things from Your Word, the encouragement of friends who stand with us in tough times, the support of brothers and sisters. 

May we be faithful in living and declaring your good News in our community, our nation and to the ends of the earth. Empower and protect those who are our voices, our hands and our feet in mission–on the West bank in Israel, on the US-Mexican border. This, and more, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. 

Richard Herman

Our heavenly Father–You are good and you are strong; You are gracious and just, compassionate and holy.  There’s no place we go that You are not already there, and nothing we find out that you don’t already know. Nothing is beyond Your love or understanding. So You invite us to pray, to come to You as Your beloved with our hopes and fears, our strengths and weaknesses, our joys and sorrows….And we do.  We bring to you those who need Your healing in their distress. 

We bring to you those who need Your comfort in their mourning.  We bring to you those who need Your help in their helplessness and those who need Your way out of their lostness. We bring to You people whose names, faces and addresses we know; as well as those who we don’t know. We also bring communities, countries, and continents to you, for You are the Lord of all, and only You can make what’s wrong–right, what’s evil–good, and what’s death-dealing to become life-giving. 

Please, Lord–do it!  So that You will be glorified and we can rejoice. These are our prayers, offered up in love for You, in gratitude for your faithfulness, and in the name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Richard Herman

Prayer for the Unemployed

Heavenly Father, we remember before you those who suffer want and anxiety from lack of work. Guide the people of this
land so to use our public and private wealth that all may find suitable and fulfilling employment, and receive just payment
for their labor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)

Prayer for the Poor and the Neglected

Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick, and all who have none to care for them. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit, and to turn their sorrow into joy. Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who for our sake became poor, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)