Prayers of the People/Intercession on Natural Disasters

Calls to Worship on the Nations

Lord—There’s nothing You call us to do that you don’t equip us to do.  You ask us to release those we care about to You–then You furnish the faith to give them to You who have the love and power to make a difference in their lives.  Instead of clutching, white knuckled, onto people and things, we can open our fists to let You take them into Your hands—strong hands, good hands, loving hands, nail-scarred hands. 

Lord—take those sick, injured and suffering into your hands.  Heal those who need healing.  Encourage those who need encouragement.  Strengthen the weak.  Comfort the distressed and anxious.  Forgive those who need forgiving—helping us all to forgive others, to forgive ourselves, and to receive Your forgiveness that heals.  

Lord, hold those who grieve close to Yourself.  Please put Your arm around them—and walk with them.  Give them a shoulder to lean on; an ear to listen to their grief; eyes to cry with them, and someone to go with them in and through the dark.  Jesus—as Lord of nations and Prince of peace—we ask You to move in the hard places of our world bringing hope to displace despair, peace to replace war, generosity to eliminate poverty, and the love in Your people who can share the Gospel in action and word with all who’ve never had a chance to hear the Good News of salvation.  

For our nation—make us more humble and less arrogant; more concerned for what’s true, just and best for all and not just for what’s pragmatic, self-serving and only good for ourselves.  And, Lord, please encourage Your people who live in difficult places where being a Christian is ever more costly—keep them faithful, and let them know they’re not alone.  Today, we offer a special prayer for those whose lives, livelihoods, and homes are in the path of wars, floods, fires, tornadoes and hurricanes—protect them, Lord. Give them strength—again—to endure and find refuge in You and Your people.  

For Your church—this church: give us a heart of real love for all, not just for those who are easy to love …not just for those like us in what they do, how they look and what they can afford; and not just for those who agree with us.  You love unconditionally—help us to love likewise.  We pray all this in the name that’s above every name—the strong name of Jesus.  AMEN

Richard Herman

Good and Gracious Lord, You hold us in the palm of Your strong hand, working all things for our good and to Your glory. There’s no place we can go that escapes Your notice and is hidden from Your loving attention. We’re amazed by Your power and in awe of Your grace: You take what’s inadvertently or intentionally evil and bend it to Your will and ways. 

So, remembering Your wondrous grace and awesome power, we open our hearts, lifting our burdens and cares to You. For our world, we pray: For peace: end the warring madness that threatens to destroy all. 

For the victims of natural disasters and for social and political unrest around the globe: Protect the poor and needy from exploitation. Give food to the hungry and freedom to captives. For our nation, we pray for justice and honesty for elections in states and cities, that individuals with a heart for your ways of truth would find their way into office. 

We also pray for our nation’s president, vice-president, congressmen and senators – that they would lead us in Your ways of justice, righteousness and truth. We intercede also for those who have been touched by the grief of loss this week. We pray on behalf of friends and family, brothers and sisters in Christ who are ill or injured, recuperating and recovering; we ask Your healing power and restorative touch for them. 

May they know Your presence to comfort and encourage. May they rise up to call you “Blessed” for Your goodness in their lives. For the anxious among us – give them confidence and peace. For those feeling the pain of broken relationships – bring Your reconciliation, love, forgiveness and grace. To the lonely – be a friend and bring a new friend. 

For the hopeless – show them a way and give them a light in the darkness. For all of us, never leave us nor forsake us, remind us always of your love and power. For all this, and more in our heart of hearts, we pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN.

Richard Herman

Pastoral Prayer based on Jesus Calming the Storm

When the waves rise high above our ability to see your face…

Still my soul, Lord Jesus,

Calm the storm in me

When the howling wind and the pouring rain drown out the sound of your voice…

Still my soul, Lord Jesus,

Calm the storm in me

When the thunder and the lightning distract us from Your presence in every circumstance…

Still my soul, Lord Jesus,

Calm the storm in me

moment of silence

Jesus, we see You calming storms

Storm tossed seas and stormy lives

Extend Your power and grace again,

Upon us and our fear-filled world

Speak peace and healing over bodies and spirits

overwhelmed by the crashing waves of circumstance

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

Speak peace and protection over minds and hearts

adrift in confusion or drowning in fear

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

Speak peace and hope over people, families, and communities

swamped by loss after loss

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

You are the Prince of Peace.

You are the Resurrection and the Life.

You are strong to save.

Our hope and trust are in You

Continue to lift up prayers for needs or prayers of thanksgiving

Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer 

Pastoral Prayer based on Mark 4:35-41 © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,