Prayers of the People/Intercession on Ministry

Sermon Illustrations on Ministry

God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Lord of all our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows: thank you that we don’t need to be afraid of what’s coming because you’re already there ahead of us. Nothing takes you by surprise. Nothing confuses you or confounds you. 

There’s never a drop of sweat on your upper lip from anxiety, worry or panic. Therefore, trusting not ourselves but you, we open our hearts to your strength and love today, giving over what we can’t change so you can. 

For those ill or injured, anticipating surgery or recovering from it, for those who await test results or who are anxious for another: come, as our Healer; and dispel diseases of body, soul, mind and emotions. Speed recovery. Strengthen care-givers. Assuage fears and restore trust in your power. 

For those who mourn, whether grief is fresh or lingering: come, as the Resurrection and the Life; and console the grieving. Comfort and companion the lonely. Share in tears of sorrow and in laughter at remembering. Impart hope for this life, and hope for beyond the grave. 

For those with relationships coming apart at the seams; for families stressed by estrangement, separation, or divorce; for friends divided by anger; or colleagues separated by differences, for any alienated by sin from someone they’ve loved–Jesus, come as the great Mediator and Reconciler: break proud spirits–and replace them with humble hearts. 

Enable each to speak truth in love; to repent and to forgive; to be patient and gracious with one another and with their own selves. Restore them to the right relationship with each other. For peoples, countries and nations–including our own: come as King of Kings, as Lord of all and Prince of Peace. For those in leadership–give them wisdom from above; and the courage to do what is right, not just expedient or politically correct. 

In dangerous places and in war zones: Protect the innocent. Guard combatants, especially our own sons and daughters, from harm–and their families from fear and anxiety. Insure justice and mercy, truth and freedom, so the Gospel may flourish in hard places,as your people live safely there.

For missionaries and pastors, congregations and evangelists, who live your truth and declare your truth in hostile nations or among indifferent people: come as Light and Truth, with grace and love: keep your people faithful. Strengthen missionaries whose vigor flags; and encourage them when they’re discouraged. This is our prayer in Your name, Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman

Father–Thank You for the opportunities You put before us every day to make a difference; and for special friends who serve You in all they do. 

Thank You for those faithful in their callings: whether as a pastor, nurse, educator, parent, church-member, parent or friend. With thanksgiving and faith in your grace and mercy: we hold our needs up to You with open hands–asking for You to take them into Your strong hands instead. Take into Your hands the ill and injured in need of healing. Take into Your hands the grieving and lonely in need of comfort. 

Take into Your hands the despondent in need of hope, the poor in need of help, un-or underemployed in need of work, and the lost in need of direction and a way home–give all what they need… even if it’s not what they think they want. 

Take into Your hands the church in need of guidance and courage to walk in Gospel truth and gracious love. May Your truth and holiness prevail. Take into Your hands our nation and its leaders–protect them, guide them, correct them, encourage them, that they may lead us in Your righteous paths. Humble our pride and honor Your truth. 

Take into Your hands this congregation–our elders, deacons, members and staff. Keep us from being more concerned for our own small wants and reputation than for Your greater will and honor. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. 

Richard Herman