Prayers of the People/Intercession on Intercession

Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Intercession

Our Lord—Today we have given You praise and thanks for who You are and what You’ve done for us. Now, we also give You our needs—for we are not self-sufficient. We need You! We pray for those dear to us who are sick, hurt, recovering, in rehab or therapy. Protect them. Restore them. Encourage them. Show Your glory through their healing. For those who grieve—we ask your comfort and care. 

For those who teach our children—here at church or in school: give them wisdom, compassion, patience, grace, and a commitment to live the truth that they seek to impart. And, for learners—for all of us: give us teachable hearts, open minds, and willing spirits that are ready to learn of You in all things. For our nation—give us wisdom to discern Your leading and our neighbor’s good in these uniquely difficult days. Give us a Kingdom heart, kingdom eyes, and kingdom understanding to be able to see through the smoke-and-mirrors of half-truths, innuendo and fear. 

Enable us to base our decisions on Your truth and not just our own self-interests; and give us the leaders we need to better become “one nation under God.” For Your church—enable us to be in action the salt and light You call us to be. For this congregation, this family of God: grant us the wisdom, the courage, and the love we need. 

Make us truly One, Father so that the world will know and believe in the One You sent to us: Your Son, Jesus, Messiah, our Savior and Lord; and believing in Him, know that You love the world as You love Him. This is our prayer, offered in Jesus’ name.  AMEN

Richard Herman

God of Love and Mercy—Father, Son and Holy Spirit: As those beloved by You…You give us the privilege of loving others and praying for them … as we do today.  

We pray on behalf of those for whom this year has been a hard year, who look back and see overwhelming loss, struggle, pain, discouragement, isolation or worries.  Lord—redeem those trials, give them strength and courage to keep on going, and give them hope for the days ahead.  

And for those who look back on the past year with joy in the birth of children and grandchildren, for marriages begun and deepened, for new jobs started and opportunities embraced, for relationships discovered or restored, for good health, sufficient means, and for a place to call “home” …We join with them to give You thanks and honor, Lord.  

Today we pray for the ill or injured, for those anticipating or recuperating from surgery—Please heal them, Lord.  For those who’ve lost loved ones, colleagues or friends—please comfort them, Lord. 

For our nation’s leaders—guide them, give them wisdom beyond their own, to resolve differences and to reach just decisions; and, Lord, fill them with the courage necessary to lead us in the right but difficult paths where people matter more than political gain.  In the coming year, Lord, enable us as a nation to be a better people, a wiser people, and a more godly people; with the needed moral character, will and wisdom.  

For nations at war–bring peace.  For our brothers and sisters whose faithfulness puts them in mortal danger—protect and sustain them.  For missionaries who serve You in hard places—encourage and strengthen them.  For Your church in all places—keep us true to Your Word and loving in our actions.  

For this church—meet our needs and so enable us to faithfully live out the calling You’ve given us to be a light in this community, to be a safe and healing place for those that the world has wounded in spirit and soul.  This we pray, in the name of Jesus, the Christ.  AMEN

Richard Herman

God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—our Loving Creator, Redeemer and Guide: We praise and thank You for being with us wherever we are on the journey of faith; whether we feel You or not—You are here with us … for so You have promised.  We thank You for knowing our needs even better than we know them ourselves and for accompanying us on each step, in each season of our lives.  

Hear us now as we lift up to You those who struggle with doubt, uncertainties, and unanswered questions–and we know You will!  We pray for those who are ill or injured, those recovering in home or hospital; we pray especially for those burdened by sickness or chronic pain—bring healing and hope to each; and impart strength to their care-givers.  

We also lift up to You those discouraged or captive to depression or mental health disorders–be a light of hope in the darkness.  

We pray for all who anticipate loss or who are grieving–comfort them in the hope of Your resurrection and Your presence in every situation.  

We pray for those whose work has no meaning and those with no work at all—enable them to work as ones made in Your image as a God who works.  

We pray for those whose homes have been destroyed by tornadoes, floods or fires—give them shelter and a place to once again call “home”.  

We pray for parents, teachers, and mentors who shape the lives of children.  

We pray for peace in places of violence, whether in our town, our nation, or anywhere in our world; and  we pray for peace on our enemies as well.  

We pray for people in positions of political power–may truth overwhelm lies and spin; may wisdom overcome expediency and may unity in compassion overcome the divisiveness of party-spirit.  

We pray for ourselves and all Your church, that we may be Your faithful witnesses … whether gathered in worship or united in ministry; or whether we’re scattered throughout our community in offices and shops, markets and schools, neighborhoods and ball fields … may we be lights of Your love, truth and grace, living the gospel as well as speaking the gospel.  

All these things we lift up to You with confidence in Your abiding love and presence in our lives, made known to us through our risen Savior Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. AMEN

Richard Herman