Prayers of the People/Intercession on Faith

Sermon Illustrations on Faith

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we thank you for the gift of faith

worked within us by your Holy Spirit.

We thank you for having called us to yourself,

for consecrating us to your service,

for having set us apart to the sacred ministry of prayer.

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for the church

in all her breadth and variety,

gathered out of every nation, family, people, and tongue,

to be a kingdom of priests serving you.

We pray for the church in all the world,

for churches in North America, Europe, and the Middle East,

for churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America,

for young churches and old churches,

small churches and large churches,

weak churches and strong churches.

Grant to the church true lowliness

and genuine humility where there is pride, unity where there is division.

Grant to her truth where there is error and wisdom where there is folly,

that you might fulfill your purposes for her.

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for those stewards to whom you have

entrusted the affairs of your house,

for pastors, elders, deacons, lay leaders, volunteers, and committees.

Give them the spirit of willing service and true humility.

Give them a sense of spiritual devotion.

Give them delight in those whom they serve.

Grant that they may lead your people in the way of Christ,

that thereby we might all enter the land of our heritage.

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for all peoples of all nations.

We pray that in every land there might be peace and true justice

(especially in [country] and other places of conflict).

Grant that in our own communities

those who are troubled,

those who suffer,

those who are discouraged

might find support in time of need

especially from your church.

Particularly we remember before you

the work done for the troubled, the suffering, and the discouraged

by the deacons in our congregations

and denominational and Christian agencies.

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for our nation and

those who lead the nation:

the president/prime minister and advisors,

the congress/parliament and the courts,

the diplomatic corps as they negotiate for peace and justice.

We pray for the leaders of all nations,

that they might know that you have called them

to serve their people in your fear and

for your glory and the good of the peoples.

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for those who have special needs.

To all who suffer any sickness or weakness [especially names(s)],

give health and strength.

To all who are disturbed or troubled, give rest and understanding.

To all who are lonely and alienated, give fellowship and love.

To all who grieve and sorrow [especially name(s)],

give comfort and assurance.

To all who are aged and frail, give homes of comfort and safety,

and others to help them, and a willingness to accept help.

All these requests we present to you,

O Father of mercy, in the name of Jesus Christ,

who even now is seated at your right hand to intercede for us

and who will come at the last trumpet to gather us into

his holy city, the Jerusalem that is above,

and toward which we journey even now. Amen.

Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Ministers. Hughes Oliphant Old.© 1995, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. © 1995.

Lord–Creator, Savior and Sustainer: 

You called our names and we answered. 

When we were lost–You found us. 

When we were sick–You healed us. 

When we were blind–You opened our eyes. 

When we were dead in our sin–You died to give us life. 

Knowing we are dependent on You for our salvation, for our life, in all our relationships, wherever and whenever we may be we turn to You today asking that, in your mercy, you hear our prayers and answer them. 

You died and rose for our healing: so we pray for those who are sick, injured, or impaired in body, mind, emotion or soul. Restore them by the touch of your hand. You died and rose to give us life in the face of death: so we ask that you comfort those who mourn, and take to yourself those who died believing in You. 

You died to unite various peoples together in Your church: so we pray for your church: whether here, near or on the far side of the sea. Give us all sufficient faith and courage to boldly live and declare Your gospel.Pour out Your Spirit and bring fresh power and new life to this church and to all our people. 

You died for the world: so we pray for nations in turmoil–strengthen your followers in those lands and bring peace in place of warfare. We also pray for our own nation: for our elected leaders–that you give them wisdom according to your Word, moral convictions, the courage to follow in Your way, and the will to lead us there. Even now, we pray for your leading in the coming elections: save us from self-interest and pettiness; strengthen our commitment to justice, truth and grace.

This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Richard Herman

O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we thank you for the gift of faith

worked within us by your Holy Spirit.

We thank you for having called us to yourself,

for consecrating us to your service,

for having set us apart to the sacred ministry of prayer.


O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for the church

in all her breadth and variety,

gathered out of every nation, family, people, and tongue,

to be a kingdom of priests serving you.

We pray for the church in all the world,

for churches in North America, Europe, and the Middle East,

for churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America,

for young churches and old churches,

small churches and large churches,

weak churches and strong churches.

Grant to the church true lowliness

and genuine humility where there is pride, unity where there is division.

Grant to her truth where there is error and wisdom where there is folly,

that you might fulfill your purposes for her.


O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for those stewards to whom you have

entrusted the affairs of your house,

for pastors, elders, deacons, lay leaders, volunteers, and committees.

Give them the spirit of willing service and true humility.

Give them a sense of spiritual devotion.

Give them delight in those whom they serve.

Grant that they may lead your people in the way of Christ,

that thereby we might all enter the land of our heritage.


O Lord and Father of the household of faith,

we pray for all peoples of all nations.

We pray that in every land there might be peace and true justice

(especially in [country] and other places of conflict).

Grant that in our own communities

those who are troubled,

those who suffer,

those who are discouraged

Leading in Prayer: AWorkbook for Ministers. Hughes Oliphant Old.© 1995, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Faithful God, our Father, Lord and Counselor: By your grace you know our names before we are even born. By your grace you call us your own sons and daughters. By your grace you give us an eternal purpose. And, by your grace give us everything necessary to fulfill that calling: Your very own self before us, beside us, inside us, with us. 

You invite us to open our hearts to your love and power; and so we do. We pray for a world gone mad–no longer safe (if it ever was), and increasingly filled with war, disease, terror, ambition, prejudice, greed, and distrust. Please, Lord …Bring peace between people and nations. Give leaders wisdom, courage and grace. 

Open doors of reconciliation and healing between peoples. Protect those who serve in dangerous places to protect our freedom; and comfort families of those who’ve met harm in so doing. We pray for your church, called to graciously offer your truth in confusing times, your light in dark days, and a welcoming place of refuge amidst the chaos. 

Enable us, along with those who serve you as missionaries, to remain loyal, bold, gracious and loving. Make us one in purpose, in faith, and in commitment to you. For this congregation: we thank you for a year gone-by, full of your grace and faithfulness; and we ask your blessing on the year ahead: that men, women, girls and boys may come to know you intimately, as Lord, Savior, Father and Friend. We also interceded for those sick physically or emotionally. Heal them by your power, love and grace; and make them whole again.Give your comfort and peace to those separated from loved ones by death. Now, we pray for our preacher this morning: Give him/her strength, vitality, and your clear Word for us; and enable us to hear, believe and receive your Truth. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Richard Herman

God of Wonder and Majesty–You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End… our past, present and future. You’ve come in the past …You’re here with us now …and You’ll come again in power and glory. Because You are faithful and true in all times and places we pray confidently knowing You hear us. We pray with thanks for new lives, new families and new marriages–and for all the ways You bring new people and new experiences into our lives. 

We ask for faith to embrace Your new gifts, and wisdom to know what to do with them for Your glory and our joy. We pray with love for those we love who are ill or injured, recovering from or awaiting surgery–heal them, encourage them, give them patience and courage. 

Move other nations, including our own, to act with justice and genuine concern rather than mere self-interest. We pray with concern for young men and women serving in our country’s military–who are far from home at a time of year when hearts turn to home and family. 

Protect them; encourage their loved ones; and bring them home safely. We pray with care for Your glory as it shines through the gospel lived and proclaimed by missionaries in Hong Kong, India and Egypt, in Kenya, Mexico, on college campuses, in hospitals and military units. 

Keep your servants faithful to the Truth and persistent in Christian love for those whose lives they touch. While the newspaper circulars and TV ads feed our greed, move us to give of ourselves and our substance to You, to those in need and to the work of Your kingdom. Make us faithful stewards of all You’ve given us–our stuff, our relationships, and especially of Your gospel that saves. This is our prayer–which we offer to You in Jesus’ Name. AMEN

Richard Herman

Prayer for the Unity of the Church

O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)

A Prayer attributed to St. Francis

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)