Prayers of the People/Intercession on Darkness

Sermon Illustrations on Darkness

God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit: We praise you at the opening of this day of days! Father: You shape and form us so each is unique yet all are in Your image, when You breathe into us the breath of life. We praise You! Jesus, God the Son–Resurrection and Life: You chose to die and rise from the dead to free us from sin and death, and give us eternal life. 

We praise You! Living Spirit, who sustains our life by Your presence: You give us strength, when we are weak; direction, when we are lost; and love at all times. We praise You! We praise you for hope that’s ours because of Jesus’ resurrection: Hope to face life with courage and meet death in peace; Hope to sustain us in dark times, for we know our life’s light comes with the rising Son. 

Therefore, we can pray with expectant hope …For those who need healing in spirit, soul, mind and body; For those who need comfort in grief and guidance when confused; For those who celebrate new life, but who also face the call to parent; For those who are without necessities of life; For those who have no gospel witness in their own tongue and culture. This we pray, in the name that is above every name–even the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Richard Herman

Lord Jesus—the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and the author of change, who’s constantly doing “a new thing,” which makes us sit up and take notice.  We admit, we’d be more comfortable with a predictable, controllable, less imaginative deity—but we’d also be less filled with wonder, delight and praise; and You’d be less worthy of our trust, obedience and worship.  But You are worthy!–which is why we come to You as we are.  

We come asking You to change us—before we ask you to change anyone else or to change our circumstances.  We come to present our friends and loved ones in need of comfort after the loss of loved ones.  

Be a companion in loneliness, bringing hope in despair, light in the darkness and peace at all times.  Guide them into the new “normal” of the next part of their journey, and give those who walk with them special strength and grace.  We also bring to you the sick, the injured and those recuperating from surgery: Heal them.  

Give them confidence in Your presence as their Savior and Healer by replacing their anxiety and pain with trust and peace.  Make them well—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually; and encourage their caregivers.  But there are other needs we can’t meet but You can: such as a need for ..

Reconciliation in families between husbands and wives, children and parents; and Reconciliation in nations between ethnic groups or political factions–and we think especially of those in [Afghanistan]: protect them, and bring peace to that land.  Keep your people there faithful in their witness, truthful in their living and their speaking, and compassionate, gracious and loving at all times.  

We pray for nations and leaders of nations–for our own and those who call other lands their home, that the interests of those who have no voice–the poor, the oppressed, the abused, and disenfranchised–might be paramount, and that Your kingdom might come, and your will be done among us, and among all nations. 

And we pray for your church—for this church.  Make us a faithful people, a courageous people, a gracious people, a creative people and a loving people…so that others may see You through us and encounter you in us. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. AMEN

Richard Herman