Prayers of the People/Intercession on Calling

Sermon Illustrations on Calling

Lord–Creator, Savior and Sustainer: 

You called our names and we answered. 

When we were lost–You found us. 

When we were sick–You healed us. 

When we were blind–You opened our eyes. 

When we were dead in our sin–You died to give us life. 

Knowing we are dependent on You for our salvation, for our life, in all our relationships, wherever and whenever we may be we turn to You today asking that, in your mercy, you hear our prayers and answer them. 

You died and rose for our healing: so we pray for those who are sick, injured, or impaired in body, mind, emotion or soul. Restore them by the touch of your hand. You died and rose to give us life in the face of death: so we ask that you comfort those who mourn, and take to yourself those who died believing in You. 

You died to unite various peoples together in Your church: so we pray for your church: whether here, near or on the far side of the sea. Give us all sufficient faith and courage to boldly live and declare Your gospel.Pour out Your Spirit and bring fresh power and new life to this church and to all our people. 

You died for the world: so we pray for nations in turmoil–strengthen your followers in those lands and bring peace in place of warfare. We also pray for our own nation: for our elected leaders–that you give them wisdom according to your Word, moral convictions, the courage to follow in Your way, and the will to lead us there. Even now, we pray for your leading in the coming elections: save us from self-interest and pettiness;strengthen our commitment to justice, truth and grace.

This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Richard Herman

Father–Thank You for the opportunities You put before us every day to make a difference; and for special friends who serve You in all they do. 

Thank You for those faithful in their callings: whether as a pastor, nurse, educator, parent, church-member, parent or friend. With thanksgiving and faith in your grace and mercy: we hold our needs up to You with open hands–asking for You to take them into Your strong hands instead. Take into Your hands the ill and injured in need of healing. Take into Your hands the grieving and lonely in need of comfort. 

Take into Your hands the despondent in need of hope, the poor in need of help, un-or underemployed in need of work, and the lost in need of direction and a way home–give all what they need… even if it’s not what they think they want. 

Take into Your hands the church in need of guidance and courage to walk in Gospel truth and gracious love. May Your truth and holiness prevail. Take into Your hands our nation and its leaders–protect them, guide them, correct them, encourage them, that they may lead us in Your righteous paths. Humble our pride and honor Your truth. 

Take into Your hands this congregation–our elders, deacons, members and staff. Keep us from being more concerned for our own small wants and reputation than for Your greater will and honor. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. 

Richard Herman

God of wonder and grace: You knew us from even before we were born; You loved us from eternity. Then, when we needed to know you most, You called us by name and saved us. Nothing escapes Your notice and is beyond Your care. 

We remember and thank You for those who’ve gone before us. Thank You for those who lived, fought and died for our freedom. Thank You for those who loved us enough to share the gospel with us. 

We ask You to protect, support, and guide those who still defend this land—especially young men and women serving in harm’s way; and all who live in places where wars are waged, civilian and soldier alike. And, we ask You to empower, embolden and encourage those who declare Your gospel as missionaries in places as varied as college campuses to urban streets, from Kenya to Mexico, Japan to Egypt. 

We pray for those who are ill or injured, anticipating surgery or recovering and rehabilitating: in Your love and by Your sacrifice heal them, restore them and strengthen them in the Spirit. For families in grief, we ask You to comfort them with Your hope and with confidence in Your resurrection. 

May they not be afraid to remember, finding peace in Your presence now as then. Bless those who answer Your call today to serve You as elders, deacons and trustees of this congregation. Give them faith, love, wisdom and courage–may they lead us to follow You, not fearing to lead where we may be reluctant to go in order to keep us faithful to Your gospel and mission. Bless Your Word and the servant who declares it today. This is our prayer, prayed in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Richard Herman