Prayers of the People/Intercession on Selfishness

Sermon Illustrations on Selfishness

Anointed Worship

Anointed One,

Heal our stingy, selfish ways

Silence our accusations

End the worship wars


The congregation is invited to offer their own prayers of confession silently


We remember our faithful sister

Her actions

Her witness

Make us like her


Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us

So we may worship you in Spirit and truth


Saturate us in the oil of gladness

So we may adore you with abandon

Draw us into intimacy and extravagance

Unashamed and alive with our offering


The congregation is invited to offer their own prayers of praise and thanksgiving, silently or aloud 

Anointed Worship © 2020 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Precious Lord, take our hand, Lead us on, help us stand; We’re tired, we’re weak, we’re worn; Thru the storm, thru the night, Lead us on to the light, Take our hand, precious Lord, Lead us home. The old spiritual says it well, Lord: We can’t make it on our own—we need You to take us through. We can’t do what needs to be done—we need You to do it. 

We aren’t smart enough, compassionate enough, strong enough. We don’t really care enough nor are we able to heal—but You are. So we ask You to heal those we love—heal them in body, soul, mind and emotions; and enable them to know You as Healer and Friend. Today we esp. pray for… 

We don’t have enough faith or enough wisdom to confront death (our own and that of others) with trust, hope and peace. We need You and the power of Your resurrection to encourage us and to comfort those we love who have lost loved ones; Right now we especially pray for… We don’t have enough brains or heart, enough smarts or caring, to be able to change our world—whether on an international or national stage, let alone locally and in our own neighborhoods. 

Too often, if we’ve got ours, we care little for those who don’t. But that’s not good enough—and we know it. So …Change the world—but begin with us, so that we can be part of the solution and not the problem.  Give meaningful work to those who have none. Give food to those who are hungry. Give water to those who thirst.

 Give justice to those who suffer for lack of it. Replace war with peace; despair with hope; suspicion with understanding; callousness with compassion; and isolation with reconciliation in marriages, families, communities, schools, neighborhoods and churches.  And Lord—help us to know You better. 

Then, as You do—may we also come to know more of who You made us to be, created in Your image and redeemed in Your love. This is our prayer, offered with faith in Jesus our Lord. AMEN

Richard Herman