Prayers of Confession on Praise


Dear Lord, we come to You today in worship and praise, knowing that You are God and King. You are worthy of our praise. We also come recognizing that we are sinners and stand here in need of You, our Savior. We have sinned against You and others and ourselves and have wanted to go our own way. We have been stubborn, controlling, and selfish, and have not been faithful to You. We confess that we haven’t been good witnesses of Your love and grace, and have not stood firm in our faith. We are so sorry, oh Lord; please forgive us. Change our hearts and cause us to repent and turn toward You. Fill us, Holy Spirit, making us new and whole. Wash us clean and breathe Your breath into us. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

O God, you are indeed worthy of our praise and worship. Yet we turn away and worship other gods. We find ourselves at the altar of our careers, our financial security, our self-image, our status. We take you for granted. You call us to live for the praise of Christ’s glory, but we often seek praise for ourselves instead.  Forgive us for these and all of our sins, as we continue to confess in silence…

Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Lord and God, sometimes we have thought, even said, that you were nowhere to be found, when life’s insecurities, disappointments, and crushing defeat left us empty and full of despair. In our desolation we reached out to take hold of you and uttered a cry of desperation, My God, my God; and then by grace, it became a cry of faith, From you comes my praise. Forgive us, Lord, because we did not recognize you were there, even though our sins and fears crushed us; that you hear our prayers even before we have begun to pray; that your love is the all-encompassing power of this universe. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hassell Bullock

Loving and forgiving God, we confess that we find it easier to follow the crowd than to follow you. We seek the praise of other humans, rather than seeking to give you joy with our faithfulness. When you call us to display values which do not make any sense to the world, we often disobey. Forgive us for these and for all of our sins, as we continue to pray in silence.

Silent Prayer 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Dear Lord, we come to You this morning first to give You our worship and praise. You are the King, You are the Lord, You are the one who did indeed create us and give us life. You never leave us. You are always reaching out Your hand to lift us up. We praise You. But we also come because we need to confess our sins to You, to open the hidden places of our hearts before You. We confess that we forget that You love us more than anything and that You call us to follow You alone. We too often arrange our lives around the idols of this world and not around You. We want what others have or what they tell us to want. We are afraid of rejection by the world, forgetting that You are the only one we need to serve. We look for love in ways that will never bring us peace or lasting joy. Please hear our silent prayers of confession……Lord, we are sorry. Please forgive us. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Lord Almighty, you alone are worthy of our praise. Yet we worship idols. We place our desires, passions, and ambitions in a more prominent position than we place you. We fail to serve you alone. We fail to revere you. We fail to enjoy your presence. Please help us today to place you in the rightful position in our lives as we confess our sins to you…  

Time of silent reflection.           

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Eternal and Almighty God, To You is due all our praise and thanksgiving. You are a gracious, loving Lord! But we create false gods we choose to worship. Money, power, and pleasure guide our steps, not Your life-giving Holy Spirit. We put our trust in our efforts, not in Your grace and truth.We value what our culture offers, not the clear teachings of Scripture. Forgive us for our idolatry, O God. Help us to live as Your Son’s disciples to the glory and honor of Your name. Through Christ we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Lord our God, we have sometimes not listened for your summons to praise you; we have not acknowledged that this good news we proclaim is for the whole world; and we have too often been silent to the summons that the created world should join us in praise; we have lamented the inequities of our world, and rightly so, but frequently failed to celebrate your righteous and equitable judgment, that you will make all things right. Forgive us for our impatience; pardon our lamentation when it should have been celebration; Turn our silence into singing the joyful news of your presence with us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hassell Bullock

(Prayers of Adoration)

Holy, Holy, Holy – Father, Son and Holy Spirit: three times holy: 

We love you – though we struggle to fully comprehend You. 

We follow you – though we don’t know where you might take us. 

We praise you – though we see only glimpses of your glory and wonder.  

We trust you – because You’re worthy of our belief, trust and faith. 


(Prayers of Confession)

Yet, we admit there are times our love, obedience,  

praise and trust leave much to be desired.  

Too often our love’s only a passing feeling and not a lasting action;  

we obey only when it’s convenient;  

our praise is limited to when things are going well  

and our trust is more in ourselves than in you.   

Forgive us, as in the quiet we tell only you  

what we’re too ashamed to say before anyone else.  (silence…

Richard Herman

Dear Lord, we come before You as Your children to give You the honor and praise that You so richly deserve. You are our One and only true God, the generous giver of life and the sustainer of our souls. We are grateful for Your grace, for how You love us, and for how You have called us to be Your hands and feet. In response to Your great mercy, we confess how we have sinned and fallen short of the people You created us to be. We have acted in selfish ways, we have hurt one another, and we have functioned as if the universe revolves around us. We have strayed from our worship of You and gone our own way. We are heartily sorry. Please forgive us, Lord, and cause us to truly repent and to mercifully receive Your love. We pray this humbly in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church


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