Prayers of Confession on Unity

Great and loving God, we know that one day all peoples will worship you on your mountain. We struggle to live into that reality. We turn inward, thinking mostly of ourselves rather than giving you glory. We often hold onto the resources you give us, even when we want to give back to you generously. We forget to praise you for the faithful saints who have come before us, and we long to follow their example more faithfully, as they followed you.  Forgive us, O God, for these and all our sins, as we continue to pray in silence…

Silent Prayer 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Creator God, you created us in your image. You are three in one. From before time began, you existed in perfect communion. Yet day by day, we choose not to live into your image. We choose division, pointing out others’ wrongs, and arguing. Please remind us of our need for one another as we silently confess our sins to you now…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Heavenly Father, Although we surrender our lives to you individually, we are called to live and serve in community as one body. Nevertheless, we do not see each other equally or accurately. We tend to think that some are more gifted, more attractive, even more godly than others. Rather than claim Christ’s righteousness for all who believe, we judge one another, even ourselves, on worldly merit. Forgive us, Lord. Redeem us from our wrong thinking. Open our eyes to the truth of your perfect plan for Your church body to work graciously as one. We pray this humbly in Christ’s name. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Lord Jesus,

We come to you today convicted of our own sin. When we read your call for the church to be united, we have to admit that we have fallen short. We have gossiped against your body, we have spoken words against you that we are not proud of. We have allowed our emotions to get the best of us, and we have spoken a harsh word about your beloved bride. Lord Jesus, draw us to yourself and keep us from falling back into harmful and unnecessary conflict. Empower us by your Spirit to live a life marked by humility, kindness and gentleness towards your body.

In Christ Jesus our Lord,


Stuart Strachan Jr.

Heavenly Father, let it not be said that we are disunified as a people. We are unified by our grumbling. We grumble against you for what you have done or left undone, according to our misplaced communal judgement. We rail against your provisions as being too little and too late. We cry out in protest when we experience a drought of that which we desire and want. It is our tendency to put the blame squarely on your shoulders. Although you lead us out of harm, protect us from the evil that would assail us, and give us all that we could ever need, we grumble that it is not enough. We are blinded to your goodness by our collective complaints. Forgive us, we pray, for not trusting you and for not thanking you as a truly unified people ought. Do not hold our unified grumbling against us. Cleanse us from breaking unity with you, we pray. Amen.

Gabe Fung

We confess, Triune God, that we do not live up to your call to lead a life worthy of our calling. We are slow to show humility, gentleness, and patience. We make little effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit. You are three-in-one and one-in-three; all too often we are every man and woman for ourselves. We need the grace you give us when we ask. Thank you for being above all, and through all, and in all, and forgive us for all our sins,

as we continue to confess in song or silent prayer.

Sing Come Now O Prince of Peace stanzas 1-4 as Song of Confession


Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Adapted from the Brief Statement of Faith

In sovereign love, you O God created the world good

And make everyone equally in your image,

Male and female, of every race and people,

To live as one community.

But we rebel against you; we hide from you, our Creator.

Ignoring your commandments,

We violate your image in others and ourselves,

Accept lies as truth,

Exploit neighbor and nature,

And threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care.

We deserve your condemnation.

Let us continue to pray in silence, confessing our sins before God and asking for forgiveness.

Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick (Adapted from the Brief Statement of Faith of the Presbyterian Church [USA])

O God,

whose will it is that all your children should be one in Christ;

we pray for the unity of your Church.

Pardon all our pride and our lack of faith,

of understanding and of charity,

which are the causes of our divisions.

Deliver us from narrow-mindedness,

from our bitterness,

from our prejudices.

Save us from considering as normal

that which is a scandal to the world

and an offence to your love.

Teach us to recognize the gifts of grace

among all those who call upon you

and confess the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord.

French Reformed Church 

Loving and Merciful God,

We come before you today aware of our own selfish pride. We have chosen our way above your way. We have chosen our opinions over the unity of your church. Forgive us where we have gone astray, help us to forgive those who have hurt us, but we also pray that we would be forgiven for the ways in which we have hurt others. We recognize that we see only in part. Give us new eyes to see your kingdom at work in the world.

Silent Prayer


Gracious God, you have called us to be a unified body, working together that which you have willed for the world. In our apathy, we fail to participate in the work you have called us to do. In our division, we refuse to work with others to accomplish your will. Please give us a passion to serve you alongside one another. We confess to you these and other sins.

Time of silent reflection and confession…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Gracious God, You have made us for Yourself. Therefore, our hearts are restless until we rest in You. We hear this. We know this. And yet, we often demand instant conveniences and prioritize personal agendas over relationship with You. Forgive us, and let us hear again the invitation to come to You, especially when the burdens are heavy, for in You is our rest, our redemption, our renewal, and our resurrection, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

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