Prayers of Confession on the Wilderness

Adapted from Isaiah 35:1–10

God of majesty and glory,

we are thirsty for your grace.

You made a way for us in the wilderness,

and still, in our foolishness, we go astray.

We hide our eyes from your presence.

We do not listen to your word.

We are lifeless when we ought to dance

and speechless when we ought to sing.

Forgive us, O Lord.

Speak peace to our fearful hearts,

strengthen our weak hands,

and make firm our feeble knees

as we seek to follow in your holy way. Amen.

 Kimberly Bracken Long, Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 1, Westminster John Knox Press.

Merciful God, we remember that Your Son was tempted in the desert as we are, and yet He won the victory over sin. And now, because of His victory, we have hope that we too can be victorious over the temptations we face in life. There are times when we feel weak, and we do things that we should not have done, and there are times when we leave undone many things we should have done. We have failed to love You with our whole heart, mind, and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We try to make excuses for our actions, but there is no excuse for giving in to temptation. Lord, grant us the strength and courage we need to overcome our weaknesses so that one day we can stand before You and hear You say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” We ask these things in the Name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Christianity began in a culture where “desert” and “wilderness” were familiar environments, both respected and feared as the place where angels and demons might be found.

In wild, desolate places God’s people have been shaped by their struggles, and have found that rocks have yielded water, and manna has appeared on the ground.

Beware of the comfort of our lives, where we grow complacent and over -confident, and where discernment is limited to choosing which products to buy.

Our journey may be into an inner desert: a place where motivation and desire is purified, and we find ourselves refined and strengthened in spirit.

Jesus, whose formation included wilderness, will be at our side to pray for us, will wipe away our tears, and place bread into the hands which have clutched at stones.

Ann Siddall, Stillpoint Spirituality Centre

Wilderness Prayer

 God of the Ages
Our Deliverer and Provider
We bow in humility before your grace

You feed us with the divine
Your word
Your body

You quench our thirst with living water
A stream in the desert

You guide our feet through snares and snakes

You free us from slavery to sin and self and shame and death

You lead us the long way to holiness and home

Test our hearts
Have we exalted ourselves?
Have we forgotten you?

time of silent reflection and confession

Reveal the truth to us, O God
Exposed by your unrelenting light
Wiped clean with your Wilderness Wind

Grow in us wholehearted allegiance
that our blessing and devotion may never waver
that we may always recognize and trust your desire to do us good


Wilderness Prayer © 2017 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,