Prayers of Confession on The Transfiguration


Save us, Glorious Christ, from every false understanding and motivation
Save us from the temptation to just stay on the mountain
Save us from the temptation to never engage
Save us from the temptation of trying to capture and control your power and glory

You are Mystery, You are Holy, You are God
Hear our confession as we bow in wonder and worship

Time of silent confession

Prayer of Confession for Transfiguration Sunday © 2021 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Almighty God, we, too often, live in fear. Fear drives our self-preservation, our self-centered decisions, and prevents us from comprehending the wonder of your presence among us. Like Peter, we would desire to build a box in which to adore you in a way that assuages our fear, increases our control, and defines our comprehension of who we think you are. 

The metamorphosis on the Mt. of Transfiguration is too terrifying for us. While we repose amazed at the immanence of the incarnation in the birth of God, we are repelled by the transcendent, mind-altering glory of the transfiguration. Forgive us for the way in which we limit our understanding and allegiance to you by our fear of your glorious preeminence. 

We prefer a tamed god rather than one whose Shekinah comes with pillars of fire by night and clouds by day, of a brother who walks with us with dirty feet and soiled clothes rather than one whose garments brilliantly gleam with the radiance of the Father God. Today, may we live in freedom to follow this glorious God-Man whose radiance shines amidst the gloom and darkness of sin, immanent and transcendent in life, death, and resurrection. Amen.  

Scott Bullock