Prayers of Confession on Success


Everyone: Holy God, we live our lives struggling in our own burdens and failing to trust You with all the things that hold us down.

Leader: Your Scripture says, “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

Everyone: We chase material things and success that fades. We prioritize our schedules above our faith.

Leader: Your Scripture says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

Everyone: We live as if hope doesn’t exist. We fail to see the bigger picture of the needs of the world that You have called us to serve.

Leader: Your Scripture says, “He saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace.”

Everyone: We carry grudges, avoid conflict, and live in dysfunctional relationships instead of seeking wholeness and reconciliation.

Leader: Your Scripture says, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.”

Everyone: We don’t live as if Your promises are true. We don’t give You our whole lives and follow You in the gift of Your forgiveness.

Leader: Your Scripture says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.”

Everyone: Help us to daily live in the gift of Your forgiveness. Help us to serve and live holy lives out of that gift. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Father, we confess to boasting in success and security.

We have denied you rather that desire you.

We have cowered when we needed to be courageous.

Jesus, we long to be people who follow you, no matter the cost.

Hear our confessions.

Holy Spirit give us the desire, faith, and strength to live the life you have called us to.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Dear God, we come before You admitting that it is easy to lose sight of what is true according to Your Word. Forgive us when we judge others. Forgive us when pride and our worldly definition of success causes division in our relationships. Show us how to love people well and to daily keep our eyes focused on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Gracious and loving God, we stand before You today as sinners in need of redemption and grace. So much of our time and energy goes into projecting positive images of ourselves. We want others to think that we are strong, smart, and independent. Our desire is for the people in our lives to see us as a “success.” And yet every single day we fail to do that which we know is right, and we continue to do that which we know is wrong. Forgive us and help us celebrate the fact that You loved us enough to sacrifice Your only Son on the cross and, as a result, we no longer need to impress You and others. We only need to follow the example that Christ set before us. Grant us the strength and courage to live and love each day as faithful followers. In Christ’s Name we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

We pray to You our Lord, our Savior, our Merciful God, that all our sins may be forgiven. Our sins are like a straight jacket, binding us, and keeping us from relationship with You. Although we know we cannot free ourselves from our sins through our own strength, we still try. We’ve been lost. Haunted by our own materialistic wants and allured by the world’s definition of success, we’ve shunned You from our lives in hopes of finding happiness. Yet You wait for us with wide open arms. Free us from our worldly wants and sins.  Wash us in Your power.  We call upon Your grace, love, and mercy as we confess our sins and ask for your forgiveness. Help us to live in a way that brings You glory and honor, and use us to further Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Loving God, please forgive us of the times when we don’t make it our number one priority to follow you. For the times when we focus too much on things that distract us from you, we repent. We are sorry for seeking popularity, success, fame, or fun instead of you. Please remind us why knowing is most important as silently confess our sins to you now… 

Submitted by Austin D. Hill