Prayers of Confession on Speech


Heavenly Father, please forgive us for when we are not setting an example with our speech, with our faith, in our conduct, in our love, or in our purity. Too often we ignore your word and all that we’ve been taught. Please help us to follow you more faithfully as we silently confess our sins to you now…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Dear Lord, we come before You as Your children to give You honor and praise. You are the One and Only true God, the Giver of life and the Sustainer of our souls. We are grateful for Your grace, how You love us, how you call us to be Your hands and feet. Responding to Your great mercy, we need to confess how we have sinned and fallen short of the people You  created us to be. We have said and done mean and selfish things, we have hurt others, and we have lived as if the universe revolves around us. We have strayed from our worship of You and gone our own way. We are sorry. Please forgive us. Cause us to truly repent and turn around to face You. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Submitted by Dustin Ray

In the silence, we raise our voice before you. We wonder aloud why you are so far from us when we call. In the agony of our cry, we are reminded that it is we who have wandered from your fold, from the nearness of your love. We, alone, have rebelled against you. We, alone, have turned our backs to your face. We, alone, have closed our ears to your words of correction and comfort. We confess that we are both a people of unclean lips and unclean hearts. Restore unto us this day, the joy of our salvation. Speak to us words of hope, words of healing, and enter into our lives anew. Amen. 

Scott Bullock

Convicting God, your word tells us that the tongue is a fire, and we admit that it’s true. We say things that we should not say:  words that tear down instead of building up; phrases that divide rather than unite. Our mouths can sing your praise, but too often we speak in ways that deny any faith in you at all. We are sorry for all of the times that our words drive people away from you, rather than encouraging greater faith in you. Forgive us now for these and all of our sins, and hear us now as we continue to confess our sins in silence…

Silent Prayer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Dear God, You are the King, You are the Lord, You are the One who delivers us from the darkness. You are our Maker and our Redeemer and our Comforter. We give You praise. You are all-wise and You know us inside and out. We come to You now to open the doors of our hearts and let You into our hidden places of darkness and sin. We confess that we have said and done things that are against Your will and that have hurt others. Among other things, we have stepped on other people, acted selfishly, and said hurtful things, falling short of who You would have us be. We also confess that we have often been too busy to stop and listen to Your voice. We don’t act on the promise to rest in You. Lord, we are sorry. Please forgive us. Holy Spirit, fill us with Your hope and peace. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

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