Prayers of Confession on Salt

Holy God, You call us to a passionate, all-consuming faith. Yet, so frequently, we give You half-hearted obedience or distracted, leftover moments of our time. You tell us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, but we find ourselves to be dull and dim in our love for others. You ask for our wholehearted faith, and we meet You with anxiety and fear.  Change us from the inside out. Fan into flame the desire to want more of You. We are thankful for Your unending, never-changing love for us in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  We thank You for pursuing us when we turn our backs on You.  We place ourselves at Your Feet, but ask that You keep us there as we continue on in our daily living. Be with us now; be with us tomorrow, and forevermore. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Gracious God, You call us to be salt and light but we often keep our lights hidden away. We do not use our words or actions to encourage others to pursue a life with You. We take the Gospel for ourselves, but do not feel the urgency to share this gift of grace with the world. Forgive us and help us to bear witness to the hope we confess, so that others may follow You. You are the Hope of the World. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church