Prayers of Confession on Routines

Gracious, Heavenly Father, we are people who often live our lives in routine, but who rarely enter into the fullness of the abundant life. In Easter, You accomplished the impossible. You proved Your Word and Your faithfulness with the remarkable power of the resurrection of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We, however, live as though the tomb was not empty. Forgive us for not walking in the light of Your love. Forgive us for doubting that Your Word is reliable and true. Forgive us for refusing to believe that You would do what You promised. As we confess our sins and doubts, we also affirm that through the cross you have conquered these once and for all. May we live abundantly in the power that raised Jesus from the dead. We pray humbly in Jesus Name. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

We confess, loving and gracious God, that we often find ourselves in a rut as we seek to live out our faith. We do not pray for your Spirit’s ingenuity or creativity. We close off our hearts from anything which might stretch or challenge us. It might be here at the church, or in our family or professional lives.  Wherever it is, we ask your forgiveness for the smallness of our imagination. We turn from these sins, and ask you to forgive us.  We continue now to confess in silence…

Silent Prayer 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Merciful Lord, You are holy, You are mighty, You are worthy of praise! Holy Father, You are majestic, You are powerful, You are awesome in every way! We have seen Your glory, And experienced Your joy. But often our hearts are fickle, and the awe and wonder of Your saving grace becomes common and mundane. In Your mercy, please forgive our sin; cleanse us from our unrighteousness and heal our wayward and feckless hearts. We find hope and comfort in Your promise to forgive. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Almighty God, you have surprised us with your presence in unexpected ways. In the expectations of our routine, we have missed the treasure that you place before us. We come to worship you in community often expecting nothing more than the usual. We begin our days, our weeks, assuming all will run as it always has. We do not look for the unexpected, for your active presence in our daily lives and for that we confess our sorrow. Forgive us for not allowing our eyes to catch the unexpected, to glimpse your glory in the ordinary. May this season, we see the presence of your Son by the power of your Spirit in new and transformative ways. Amen. 

Scott Bullock