Prayers of Confession on Revelation


Adapted from Romans 13:12-13

God of night and day,

there is no shadow that can conceal our sin from you

and no secret that you will not bring to light.

For our reveling and drunkenness, forgive us, O God.

For our debauchery and licentiousness, forgive us, O God.

For our quarreling and jealousy, forgive us, O God.

O God, forgive us our sins,

renew us in love,

and teach us to live in a way

that brings honor and glory to your name;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Kimberly Bracken Long, Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 1, Westminster John Knox Press.

Almighty God, throughout our days you seek us, yet we dismiss your presence. You stand ready to reveal yourself to us, yet we are distracted by our self-interests. Forgive our selfishness. Holy Spirit, open our eyes to welcome your presence, and to respond in love to the world around us.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Lord Jesus Christ, you reveal God to us, yet we are sometimes repulsed, bored, or exhausted by what we see. We become jaded to your work in the world, and our eyes glaze over rather than getting excited by your revelations.  You manifest yourselves to us through the scriptures, in quiet prayers, and in wise counsel. Yet we are slow to listen, and we ignore these epiphanies.  We need your Spirit’s strength to open our eyes and soften our hearts. Forgive us these and all our sins, as we continue to confess in silence…

Silient Prayer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Inspired by Amos 5:18-24

God has come to us and revealed Himself fully to us
Yet too often we hide ourselves from His love and salvation
Instead of focussing on you, Lord God, we focus on ourselves
Instead of trusting you to provide and accepting your gifts
We focus on gaining security for ourselves

Instead of worshipping you through our lives
We relegate worship of you to 90 minutes of song on a Sunday morning
We are willing to accept the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ for our sin
But we are not willing to make any sacrifices of our own

You call us to yourself, requiring nothing
You have removed all the barriers between yourself and us
But we consistently turn away
Scared of what might happen if we trust you with our whole lives

You have said: “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”
Make us thirsty for you
That we would seek you with our whole being
And discover again the joy that comes from centering our lives on you

Jacob Traeger


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