Prayers of Confession on Relationships

Inspired by James 2:1-17

Lord, help us to be a people known for the ways in which we live out our faith by loving and serving all people, even those who, in the world’s eyes, have little to offer us. By treating them with dignity and respect, we demonstrate that a different kind of kingdom is at work in this world. It is not a kingdom of tit-for-tat, where relationships are seen as commodities for exploitation and advancement, but rather it is a world where we see the value in each human life, no matter their circumstances. Help us to be that kind of community,


Stuart Strachan Jr.

Gracious God, we come to You confessing we have failed at many relationships. We have let our pride get in the way of asking for forgiveness. We have put our own interests ahead of our family and friends. We have failed to take responsibility when we have hurt others. We have tried to control broken relationships rather than trusting You to help us mend them. We confess, God, we have failed to live as people of grace, truth, and love. May we follow Your example by living at peace with one another, and loving others as You have loved us. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Loving, good, and kind God, you sent your Son to endure the cross so that we might know you. You desire a relationship with us, and you are interested in the condition of our hearts. Too often our hearts are devoid of passion for you. Too often we drift through our days, ignoring you. Please kindle our hearts for knowing you as we silently confess our sins to you now… 

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Lord of all, the only thing that truly matters is staying connected to you. As we remain in you, you give us life. We are sorry, Lord, for squandering the gift of incredible love that you have given us. We are sorry for placing our trust in ourselves, our assets, our talents, and anything else that prevents us from trusting in you. Please renew our sense of hope that you alone can give as we silently confess our sins to you now… 

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Gracious and loving God, in the perfection of Your creation, You desire us to live in peace and harmony with You and with others. But our sinfulness and hard-heartedness push us away from healthy relationships, and lapse us into conflict and enmity. We would rather talk about people instead of talking to people. We would rather avoid the hard work of making peace, instead of seeking healing and wholeness. Forgive us for our divisive and sinful behaviors. Heal our brokenness. Move us to seek reconciliation, And restore our hearts to Your perfect design. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of Your creation. You are the master of design. You know the change of seasons, You know the orbit of planets, and You know exactly what human beings were made for: a relationship with You.  We confess that too often we think that we know best.  We insist on charting our own course, and we don’t feel we can completely trust anyone but ourselves.  But we are wrong.  You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  You are the hope of nations.  You are our King.  You are our resurrected Lord. You are the one who forgives our sins. You are the one who loves us more deeply that we can ever imagine.  Teach us to live like You.  In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to die for us so that we might have a relationship with You. Yet we often forget the sacrifice You made for us. We forget how important it is to pursue knowing You. We don’t cherish the gift You have given us. Please forgive for ignoring You and for the sins we now silently confess…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Holy God, we have deceived ourselves into believing our sins aren’t that bad, that Your grace isn’t enough, and that we can earn Your forgiveness. We have embraced the stable misery of sin- fractured relationships rather than seeking true reconciliation through Your grace and mercy. We have lived as people pacified by our possessions and dulled by our duties, rather than being jolted by Your Spirit to live as Christ out in the world. We speak of sacrifice flippantly, we refuse to step outside of our comfort zones, and we don’t want to do what it really takes to take up Your cross and follow You. Change us from the inside out, so that we can be one of Your sent ones in the world. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

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