Prayers of Confession on Motivation


Almighty, gracious God, we confess to you that we do not see what you see. You are ever-present, speaking, coaxing, prodding, leading, guiding, and motivating. Yet that is not enough. Like the stubborn people of Israel, we complain and do things our own way. Please give us grace, forgive us for our pride, and help us to see with your vision.

Time of silent reflection and confession..

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Gracious Lord, our efforts at being faithful seem to produce mixed results. Sometimes we do what is right and the result is pain and suffering. Other times we turn our back on what is right and things seem to go just fine. Faithful living is confusing to us. Forgive us when we are faithful just to gain an advantage. Forgive us when we reject faithful living because we can’t see any advantage. Have mercy on us, we pray, and help us to love You so deeply that the only desire of our heart is to honor You with our lives, no matter what the outcome. We ask all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

God of our hearts, make us aware of our selfish motives. We want too much. We consume too much. We judge too much. We forgive too little. We help too little. We dream too little about living an abundant life with You. We use our power for our own gain. We don’t allow hurt and pain in the world to bother us. We think Your words are meant for someone else. Forgive us God. Make our lives about You, instead of us. Help us to pursue a life led by Your Spirit, and changed by Your mercy and grace. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Save us, Glorious Christ, from every false understanding and motivation

Save us from the temptation to just stay on the mountain

Save us from the temptation to never engage

Save us from the temptation of trying to capture and control your power and glory

You are Mystery, You are Holy, You are God

Hear our confession as we bow in wonder and worship

Time of silent confession

Prayer of Confession for Transfiguration Sunday © 2021 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,