Prayers of Confession on Hospitality


For the times we neglect to care for our brothers and sisters in Christ, please forgive us, Lord. 

For the times we fail to welcome new people who look or act different from ourselves, please forgive us, Lord. 

For the times we fail to pursue you through prayer and Scripture reading, please forgive us, Lord. 

For the times we are unwilling to try new things in order to reach people, please forgive us, Lord.  

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Each of us, Lord, has failed to fully observe your beauty.

We fall in love with our own image and are left disappointed and alone.

Please be faithful to us, Jesus, even when we turn from You.

We trust that You will be stalwart, our dedicated Savior, to the end.

Lord, as we seek to embrace our neighbors, no matter the loves of their hearts,

help us to see them as You do, with compassion and zeal for their good.

Forgive us, Holy Spirit, for when we have excluded our neighbors

from our hearts or our tables, knowing how deeply You cherish them.

Forgive us now, in the name of Jesus and for his glory,

and may your face be shown vibrantly where we have failed to show ours.

Submitted by Charles Teixeira