Prayers of Confession on God’s Wrath

Adapted from Psalm 6

Holy God, Father most gracious! Rebuke us not in your anger, nor chasten us in your wrath! Heal us from our sin, for we are troubled. Deliver us for the sake of your steadfast love. Our sins trouble us, 0 God. We are troubled by how they have hurt others. We are troubled by how they have hurt us. Your ways are right! 0 righteous God! and whenever we have refused to follow them we have found out how right they are. Have mercy on us, 0 God. Have mercy! Holy God, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Have mercy on us for the sake of your Son,

Who died to free us from our sins.

To you be honor and glory! Amen.

Adapted from Psalm 38:1-4, 9, 15, 18, 21-22

Pastor: O LORD, rebuke me not in your anger, nor discipline me in your wrath! For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.

All: There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me.

Pastor: O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you. But for you, O LORD, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.

All: I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. Do not forsake me, O LORD! My God, be not far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!

Submitted by Dustin Ray

Heavenly Father, Our sin deserves Your judgement. Our trespasses are worthy of Your wrath, yet we seek Your forgiveness. We are sorry for our tendencies toward selfishness. It is clear that with You we bring nothing to the table, yet You give freely to us. Without You, there is nothing, but with You, there is everything. Fix our eyes on Your perfection and goodness so that we may experience Your love and power. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men: We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness,  which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, against Thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings. The remembrance of them is grievous unto us; the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake. Forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please Thee In newness of life, to the honor and glory of Thy name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The General Confession from the Book of Common Prayer, 1662.