Prayers of Confession on God’s Voice

Gracious God, we confess that we do not always listen to your calling for us. Instead we carry on with our busy lives, not being mindful of your voice, calling us to live for more than ourselves. Please forgive us for being too busy to hear your voice and help us to listen to you as we silently confess our sins…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Father God, you come to us in the everyday. You give us your Word and your Spirit that we might hear your voice, and follow your ways. We confess that we have neglected your words to us and pretended that you are not even in the room. Hear our confession, help us to listen, to see, and to live as you have called us to live.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Lord Jesus, we have been slumbering

We have not expected you to be active in our lives

And we have allowed ourselves to be distracted from your love

We have not seen you in the lives of others

And we have thought ourselves more important than them

We have not expected to hear your voice

And we have put our faith in other things and people

Thinking they will save us

Shine your light into the darkness of our hearts once again, Holy Spirit

Wake us from our apathy

Open our ears to hear your word

And our mouths to give you praise


Jacob Traeger

Heavenly Father, we confess that we often fill our lives with noise that obscures our ability to hear your voice.  We do not even realize how many opportunities you give us to see your glory and to glorify you.  Help us to have open ears, and turn our hearts and thoughts toward you so that we may praise you and receive your gifts.  Hear our confession as we continue our prayers in silence…

Submitted by Allen Thompson

Immanuel, you are God with us. You abide with us through it all. While you journey alongside us in life, you are speaking to us. We admit to you that we do not listen to your voice. We read Scripture and ignore it, we feel a nudge from you, a call to action, and we explain it away. We fill our lives with so much noise that we can’t hear you even when we try. Please soften our hearts so that we might be more perceptive to your leading as we come to you in silent confession.

Time of silent reflection and confession.. 

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Gracious God, the noise of this world drowns out the beauty of your voice. You invite us to listen, but we deny you time and space. Forgive us for ignoring you. Create in us the desire to listen to your words of truth, hope, and love that we might then share these words with others.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Loving and grace-filled God, we confess that it is difficult to keep you first in our lives. There are so many urgent demands on us that we find it hard to focus ourselves on you. The culture around us sends so many mixed messages that it is hard to listen to your still small voice. We get distracted and find ourselves further and further from the abundant life you want to give us. Forgive us, O God, for these and all of our sins, as we confess in silence…

Silent Prayer 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Loving God, you spoke the earth into motion. Your words have that much power. So instead of continuing to speak to you, we silence ourselves Please show us our sins and forgive us for them as we listen to your still small voice in this time of silence…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

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