Prayers of Confession on God’s Pursuit

Almighty, gracious God, we confess to you that we do not see what you see. You are ever-present, speaking, coaxing, prodding, leading, guiding, and motivating. Yet that is not enough. Like the stubborn people of Israel, we complain and do things our own way. Please give us grace, forgive us for our pride, and help us to see with your vision.

Time of silent reflection and confession..

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Almighty, gracious God, we confess to you that we do not see what you see. You are ever-present, speaking, coaxing, prodding, leading, guiding, and motivating. Yet that is not enough. Like the stubborn people of Israel, we complain and do things our own way. Please give us grace, forgive us for our pride, and help us to see with your vision. 

Time of silent reflection and confession.. 

 Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Our gracious God, you repeatedly move towards us, even when we pull away. You are not deterred by our rejection of you nor our running from you. Your love is persistent. We confess our distrust of your promises and misunderstanding of your character. Restore our faith in your unfailing love so that we might live and love as you have taught us.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Lord, your love is remarkable. Despite our ongoing sin, You have graciously pursued us, forgiven us, and saved us. We confess that sharing Your saving love is sometimes intimidating. Forgive us for being paralyzed in fear instead of confidently sharing Christ with those around us. Stir your love and compassion within our hearts. Give us courage to share the story of Your grace with those who don’t yet know Jesus. Lord, we are indeed new in Christ. Help us to live as salt and light so that we may bring God’s love and goodness to our communities. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

O God who will not let us go, we confess that we have been so wrapped up in ourselves that have not loved You with our whole hearts, and we have not loved our neighbors as we love ourselves.  By Your grace and through Your transforming love, open our hearts wide to You; forgive what we have been, help us change what we are, and direct what we shall be, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways, to the glory of your holy Name. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, You are with us no matter what, through thick and thin, yet we don’t live any differently based upon that truth. We tend to ignore You, push You out of minds and hearts so that we can live how we want to. We prevent Your presence from impacting us, from calling us to action. Please forgive us for ignoring You. Please help us to be more attuned to Your presence as we silently confess our sins to You now…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Dear Lord, we come to You this morning first to give You our worship and praise. You are the King, You are the Lord, You are the one who did indeed create us and give us life. You never leave us. You are always reaching out Your hand to lift us up. We praise You. But we also come because we need to confess our sins to You, to open the hidden places of our hearts before You.  We too often arrange our lives around the idols of this world and not around You. We want what others have or what they tell us to want. We are afraid of rejection by the world, forgetting that You are the only one we need to serve. We look for love in ways that will never bring us peace or lasting joy.  Please forgive us. In Jesus’ Name we pray.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Holy God, You call us to a passionate, all-consuming faith. Yet, so frequently, we give You half-hearted obedience or distracted, leftover moments of our time. You tell us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, but we find ourselves to be dull and dim in our love for others. You ask for our wholehearted faith, and we meet You with anxiety and fear.  Change us from the inside out. Fan into flame the desire to want more of You. We are thankful for Your unending, never-changing love for us in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  We thank You for pursuing us when we turn our backs on You.  We place ourselves at Your Feet, but ask that You keep us there as we continue on in our daily living. Be with us now; be with us tomorrow, and forevermore. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Dear Lord, we stand before You this day, remembering that You have called us to come before You in prayer and confession. We confess that we often choose not to remember that we belong to You and instead give our allegiance to the world. We forget that You are constantly reaching out to us in love and grace, offering the better way. We confess that we are sinful, stubborn, and unresponsive. We think, say, and do things that hurt You, others, and ourselves. We get stuck in our ways and can’t or won’t listen to Your voice. Please forgive us. Pour out Your Holy Spirit on us. Breathe into us Your forgiveness, hope, and joy. Restore to us the joy of Your salvation and grant us a willing spirit to sustain us. In the name of Jesus we pray.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Our gracious God, you repeatedly move towards us, even when we pull away. You are not deterred by our rejection of you nor our running from you. Your love is persistent. We confess our distrust of your promises and misunderstanding of your character. Restore our faith in your unfailing love so that we might live and love as you have taught us.

Submitted by Laura Murray