Prayers of Confession on Giving



Gracious God, we fail to give to others, when you have so generously given to us. We look for our maximum benefit and minimum sacrifice. We have forgotten where every good gift comes from – you. Holy Spirit, shape our hearts to have a posture of gratitude and open our hands to give, that others might see you generous grace and love.

Submitted by Laura Murray

Gracious God, you shower us with so many blessings, yet we struggle to share them with others. You love a cheerful giver, but we sometimes give grudgingly. We forget that all we have is yours, and that you can use our gifts to bless the whole world. Give us generous hearts which long to share our bounty, giving extravagantly, loving at great risk, and working for justice in seemingly impossible situations. Forgive us for clutching too tightly what has always been yours in the first place. Pardon us for this and all of our sins, as we continue to confess in silence…

Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

God of All Grace, all that we are, all that we have, and all that we will become is a gift from You. Forgive us when we forget this, and assume that time and talent are made by us. Forgive us when we pridefully count our earnings, rather than delighting in Your gifts. Remind us of the high calling: to be the stewards of Your abundance, caretakers of all that You have entrusted to us. Make us faithful with little, and also with much, That we may give ourselves as You did, wholly and completely, even unto the cross, In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Lord, how often our giving is corrupted by self-interest and by the hope of receiving favors back from others. We are sorry for our tendencies toward selfishness. It is clear that with You we bring nothing to the table, yet You give freely to us without any hope of return. Father, please forgive us. Give us the grace to respond to the promptings of your Holy Spirit inviting us to reach out to the lonely, the lost, the sad, and the needy. Open our ears that we may hear you, and in that hearing take action. We pray this in Christ’s name.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

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