Prayers of Confession on Forgetfulness


O Father of all creation, who hovered over the deep at the beginning, who spoke light into darkness, who split the heavens open and descended upon the Son of God in the waters of the Jordan, who created us in his image, who declared that each one us is fearfully and wonderfully made; we have forgotten. We have forgotten who we are. Our identity as beloved children has been obscured by a multitude of wrong-doing and wrong-thinking. We have exchanged the truth for a lie. Nevertheless, you have not forgotten us. You have cued up in the baptismal line yourself and entered into the waters with us, to show us our true humanity, our true identity. Forgive us, we pray for our forgetfulness of who we are. Let us not forget our own baptism and that which it signifies. Cleanse us by the power of your Spirit so that we may once again walk in the understanding of that truth.  

Scott Bullock

(Prayer of Adoration)

Father God … our Abba: 

You seek us with relentless love – coming after us in Your Son, Jesus. 

When we are in the pits – You draws us up and out; 

When we are broken – You fix us. 

When we are lost – You find us. 

When we are confused about who we are – 

You call us by name and calls us Your own. 

With hearts stilled and filled with Your love: 

We bring our thanks and praise to You today. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet – how often we forget who we are as Your children. 

We live like we are not Yours but someone else’s; 

Like we are not created in Your image, 

redeemed by the blood of Your Son, 

indwelt by Your very self in the Holy Spirit. 

Forgive our wandering hearts, our lusty spirits, 

Our self-centered attitudes and selfish actions. 

Richard Herman  

O God, who is rich in mercy,

We come before you humbled and in need of your grace. Many of us have been in the church for so long that we have forgotten how each day your mercies are new, your grace sustains us from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, and year to year. We become forgetful, and take your love for granted. We act as though we are your firstborn, deserving of every gift, without doing the hard work of repentance and obedience that characterize life in You. Restore in us a sense of wonder at the depth of your mercies, awe in the grace that you show us each day. And help us to live out of those truths, so that when people look at our lives-they might see love, humility, kindness and gratitude for everything you have given to us.


Stuart Strachan Jr.