Prayers of Confession on Enemies

Adapted from Psalm 106

Pastor: Both we and our ancestors have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedness. In the trails of this past week, I have not praised you but have forgotten your wondrous works.

All:  Yet you saved us for your name’s sake, that you might make known your mighty power. You saved us from the hand of the foe and redeemed us from the power of the enemy. We believed your words; we sang your praise.

Pastor: But we soon forgot you works; we did not wait for your counsel. We have desired illicit and disgusting things. We forgot you, O God, our Savior, who did great things in our lives.

All: Look upon our distress and hear our cry of confession. Remember your covenant with Jesus and relent according to the abundance of your steadfast love. Save us, O LORD our God.

Submitted by Dustin Ray

Lord Jesus, you send us out into the world in your name, but we prefer to stay safely behind. We are nervous, and unmotivated, and uncertain.  We love to think about how you love us, but we are much more reluctant to show that love to others. It is especially hard to care for those who challenge, insult, or disrespect us. Strengthen us that we would live up to your call to love even our enemies. Forgive us for our sins, these and all others, as we continue to pray in silence…

Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Gracious God, today we think of those we have ignored when they were suffering, excluded when they different, written off when they were difficult, harassed when they were our enemies. We take this moment to picture those specific people. We silently ask you to forgive us as we reflect on those people we’ve hurt… 

 Time of silent reflection and confession.. 

 Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Dear God, Sometimes fear is an idol that we believe will help us control our lives. Sometimes fear is a companion that we let take the place of You. Sometimes fear is the enemy that tells us You are not greater. Forgive us when we let our fear be larger than our faith, and when we forget that you are a faithful God. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church