Prayers of Confession on Discouragement



Almighty God, we confess our need of Your presence and Your guidance. We each have our hopes and expectations for what lies ahead, but only You can give us the strength and the wisdom we need. In life’s uncertainties, assure us of Your unchanging love. In disappointing moments, help us turn to You for stability. In temptation, give us courage to humbly place our hands into Yours. In daily preoccupations, open our eyes to the sorrows of our hurting world that we might respond with compassion. By your grace, equip us to keep You as the center of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

In the silence, we raise our voice before you. We wonder aloud why you are so far from us when we call. In the agony of our cry, we are reminded that it is we who have wandered from your fold, from the nearness of your love. We, alone, have rebelled against you. We, alone, have turned our backs to your face. We, alone, have closed our ears to your words of correction and comfort. We confess that we are both a people of unclean lips and unclean hearts. Restore unto us this day, the joy of our salvation. Speak to us words of hope, words of healing, and enter into our lives anew. Amen.

Scott Bullock

Lord and God, sometimes we have thought, even said, that you were nowhere to be found, when life’s insecurities, disappointments, and crushing defeat left us empty and full of despair. In our desolation we reached out to take hold of you and uttered a cry of desperation, My God, my God; and then by grace, it became a cry of faith, From you comes my praise. Forgive us, Lord, because we did not recognize you were there, even though our sins and fears crushed us; that you hear our prayers even before we have begun to pray; that your love is the all-encompassing power of this universe. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hassell Bullock

Heavenly Father, we confess we do not always understand Your ways. We are easily discouraged when life takes unexpected turns and our carefully laid plans and dreams come to nothing. We confess we are quick to give up when things get difficult. Forgive us. Grant us patience to wait for Your perfect timing. Open our eyes to recognize Your leading in our lives, and help us hear Your gentle whisper guiding us in the way You created for each of us. Then give us courage to step out in faith and obedience, even when we cannot see the outcome. In the Name of our Savior, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, we confess that we often see difficult circumstances and discouragement as barriers to doing the work you have called us to do.  Rather than rejoicing in what you have provided, we lament that we do not have more.  Help us to see the gifts that you give and the life that is possible in them.  Make your Holy Spirit’s work clear so that we can follow and glorify you, finding energy and encouragement on the way.  We pray these things in Jesus’s name, and we ask that you hear our continued confession in silence…

Submitted by Allen Thompson

Convicting God, your word tells us that the tongue is a fire, and we admit that it’s true. We say things that we should not say: words that tear down instead of building up; phrases that divide rather than unite. Our mouths can sing your praise, but too often we speak in ways that deny any faith in you at all. We are sorry for all of the times that our words drive people away from you, rather than encouraging greater faith in you. Forgive us now for these and all of our sins, and hear us now as we continue to confess our sins in silence…

Silent Prayer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

O Lord, we are too easily discouraged when things don’t go our way, when we face trials, testings, and even persecution. Lord forgive the weakness of our faith. We too often respond in anger and hurtful words. Forgive our put-downs and cutting remarks. We take pride in looking religious and pious while often ignoring the physical and emotional needs of people around us. Father, forgive our lack of putting our faith into action. Teach us to be like Christ.

Bud Thoreen