Prayers of Confession on Complaining

Almighty, gracious God, we confess to you that we do not see what you see. You are ever-present, speaking, coaxing, prodding, leading, guiding, and motivating. Yet that is not enough. Like the stubborn people of Israel, we complain and do things our own way. Please give us grace, forgive us for our pride, and help us to see with your vision.

Time of silent reflection and confession..

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Lord, forgive us for the times when we fail to follow your word. During this time, we silently reflect on the times when we’ve ignored your commandments in Scripture, the times when we have…

Failed to love those who make our lives difficult…

Sought our own will instead of yours…

Settled for complaining instead of seeking contentment…

Spoken in ways that dishonor you and others…

Let our eyes linger on things they should pass over…

Allowed our anger to get the best of us…

Lord, we thank you for your grace and patience with us. Amen.

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Most Holy Lord, we speak with eloquence, but have no love. We speak truth to power, pontificate, and smugly consider our knowledge superior to others, but display little to no charity. We give sacrificially for the causes that we believe in and enthusiastically boast about them, but remaining loveless and unmoved, we make no forward progress. We are a people of our own way, resentful, complaining; we take pleasure in the displeasure of others. We elevate our own comfort at the expense of those in pain. We lack love. For this, we express our sorrow and plead for Your forgiveness. 

Scott Bullock