Prayers of Confession on Circumstances


Almighty and loving God, all of us here today are hurting. Some of us are hurting as the result of circumstances beyond our control. Some of us are hurting because of our own choices. Some of us are feeling the pain of others. No matter what the circumstances, as we gather here today, help us remember who we are: sinners saved by grace. Lord, for the times we have failed to show Your compassion to others – forgive us! For the times we have failed to trust You – forgive us! For the times we have failed to praise You – forgive us! Help us always to remember that You are the Giver of mercy and wholeness, provided for us through Your Son’s death and resurrection. Heal our brokenness and make us whole once more. In Christ’s Holy Name we pray. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, we confess that we often see difficult circumstances and discouragement as barriers to doing the work you have called us to do.  Rather than rejoicing in what you have provided, we lament that we do not have more.  Help us to see the gifts that you give and the life that is possible in them.  Make your Holy Spirit’s work clear so that we can follow and glorify you, finding energy and encouragement on the way.  We pray these things in Jesus’s name, and we ask that you hear our continued confession in silence…

Submitted by Allen Thompson

WE confess our sins to you, today, O Lord. Wed confess that we sometimes find it difficult to believe that you are actually involved in our day-to-day experiences, that you actually impact our circumstances. Lord, please give us the eyes to see your hand, guiding us, shaping us, and empowering us. Please renew our awareness of your presence as we silently confess our sins and shortcomings to you now…

Time of silent reflection.

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Heavenly Father, we confess that we often forget Who it is that we worship. You, Lord, are the great God Almighty and our Heavenly Father. Yet, at times, we deny that truth by living in fear and responding negatively to our circumstances.  For these transgressions we ask Your forgiveness and we also ask for Your strength. Remind us to be who You would have us to be regardless of our situations or our emotions. Give us eyes to see You as You really are so we might be bold witnesses in our world. We ask this humbly in Christ’s name.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Gracious God, we find ourselves in circumstances we have not chosen, and we scurry to find any sense of normalcy. We know that You are the Rock, yet we lean on other foundations; We know that You are sovereign, but we seek security in our own control; We know that You give comfort, but we elevate comforts of our own design; We know that You satisfy, but we keep scrolling; We know that You set us free, but addictions grip us tightly; We know that You call us to rest, but we keep struggling. By grace, forgive us. In mercy, meet us. By Your Holy Spirit, equip us to walk in the newness of life-with-Christ, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church