Prayers of Confession on Challenges

Gracious God, In the midst of difficult and challenging times, You remain Lord of all creation. We acknowledge how often we choose to depend upon our resources rather than depend upon You. Through the Holy Spirit, You send us courage, Yet our fears continue to hold us. Through the Holy Spirit, You send us comfort, Yet our unease still controls us Through the Holy Spirit, You send us truth, Yet our own wisdom still guides us. Forgive us and free us from our sin Grow our trust and dependence upon You. Strengthen, encourage, and teach us. We pray through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

We confess, loving and gracious God, that we often find ourselves in a rut as we seek to live out our faith. We do not pray for your Spirit’s ingenuity or creativity. We close off our hearts from anything which might stretch or challenge us. It might be here at the church, or in our family or professional lives.  Wherever it is, we ask your forgiveness for the smallness of our imagination. We turn from these sins, and ask you to forgive us.  We continue now to confess in silence…

Silent prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Gracious God, you are omnipotent, reigning over the universe, and ruling over us. You make a way where there seems to be no way. You expand possibilities beyond our dreams.

Yet our challenges shrink our imaginations and shorten our horizons.

We forget that you can make the impossible come true, in ways that bring you glory.

Forgive our short-sightedness. Remind us of your power. Pardon us for thinking that it is all up to our own resources. Forgive us for our sins, these and all others, as we continue to pray in silence…

Silent prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Almighty God, we confess our need of Your presence and Your guidance. We each have our hopes and expectations for what lies ahead, but only You can give us the strength and the wisdom we need. In life’s uncertainties, assure us of Your unchanging love. In disappointing moments, help us turn to You for stability. In temptation, give us courage to humbly place our hands into Yours. In daily preoccupations, open our eyes to the sorrows of our hurting world that we might respond with compassion. By your grace, equip us to keep You as the center of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church