Prayers of Confession for Reformation Day

Prayers of Confession on Reformation Sunday


On this Reformation Sunday, we remember those who’ve gone before us, willing to stand up for what they knew was right. We consider how you have called us, oh God, to stand up for the truth. However, we have often done so without loving others. You show us in 1 John that the truth is worth defending is rooted in love for one another. So we confess to you today all of the times we have not loved as you love. We fail to be selfless, and instead do what feels easy or what comes naturally. Forgive us, we pray. 

Time of silent reflection and confession… 


Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Let us silently confess our sins to our gracious Father, with faith in his promise that he will forgive us when we return to him.

A time of silent prayer.

Father, we praise and thank you for calling the Reformers to recall your Church to faith, grace, and your holy Word. However, we too often fail to live up to the high calling of that Reformation.

All: You saved us through faith. And yet, we try to earn your favor with works.

All: You saved us by grace. And yet, we cheapen your grace by using it as a license to keep sinning.

All: You speak to us through scripture. And yet, we ignore your word and listen to the voice of the world.

We acknowledge our unworthiness of your grace. We have sinned and continue to sin, both in what we do and what we fail to do.

All: We are truly sorry and we repent. We turn away from sin and toward you, relying on your grace and strength to do what we cannot do on our own. 

William Rowley