Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Worship

Sermon Illustrations on Adoption

Prayer Based on 2 Corinthians 4:5-12

This prayer could be offered by a single voice, a group praying in unison, or as indicated with a single voice on the regular print and all voices on the bold print.


Yes, we are merely clay jars

But within us is treasure

The extraordinary resurrection power of Jesus

Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Yes, we are afflicted

Yes, we are confused

But within us is treasure

The extraordinary resurrection power of Jesus

We are not crushed

We do not give in to despair

Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Yes, we are persecuted

Yes, we are knocked down

But within us is treasure

The extraordinary resurrection power of Jesus

We are not abandoned

We are not destroyed

Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Yes, death is constantly at work in us

Yes, we are chipped and cracked, frail and mortal

But it is nothing compared to the brutal death and suffering of Jesus

It is nothing compared to his victorious resurrection


His extraordinary and endless life is at work in us

We are his treasure

We wield his power

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to God!

The Treasure Within Us © 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Adapted from Psalm 95:1-2 & Psalm 124:8

​​Come, let us sing to God; 

let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 

Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving; 

let us make a joyful noise with songs of praise!   

Where does our help come from?

Our help is in the name of God, who made heaven and earth.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the calling, privilege, and importance of worshiping together on the Lord’s Day. Because it’s a calling, we dare not dismiss it easily, or take it lightly. Because it’s you we get to meet with, may we come prepared, expectant, and evermore grateful.

According to the Scriptures, our gatherings will become increasingly important, as the Day of Jesus’ return grows closer and closer. Help us to take corporate worship more seriously, and engage more whole-heartedly than ever.

Father, may we, as your beloved children, give you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit the worship of which you are alone worthy. Feed our minds with your Word; fill our hearts with your grace; empower our worship by your Spirit. May we gather, not as selfish consumers, looking to be pleased; but as true worshipers, longing to be consumed with your glory and grace.

We pray for those who lead us in your worship, and those who bring us your Word. Theirs is a great stewardship and responsibility. May the gospel be powerful in their hearts and fresh on their lips. May they see and savor Jesus, that we might do the same. Free them to honor and glorify you, and empower them to love and serve us.

Father, through our corporate worship, we pray you will be blessed, revealed, and magnified; and that we will be humbled, gladdened and transformed. As we lift Jesus up, we trust you to take us low and draw the nations in. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ loving and worship-worthy name.

Scotty Smith, The Gospel Coalition, “A Prayer for Our Corporate Worship”

Thank you Lord God for the opportunity of worship,

for the freedom to be amongst your family

meeting together in your house,

and in the warmth of your embrace

Thank you that in worship we can put aside,

the uncertainties of this world and rest

upon the certainties of the Kingdom,

for your promises are not changeable

as those of a politician might be,

but immovable and eternal

Thank you that we can bring to your feet

all the hurts and fears that trouble us,

and leave them there,

knowing that your strength and assurance

are all that we require

Thank you that as we draw near in worship,

we are transported

from a world of concerns and fears,

to a place where we can be at peace in your presence,

find healing, wholeness and refreshment.

Thank you Lord God for the opportunity of worship

John Birch, Faith and Worship

Holy and Gracious God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

We give you thanks for the gift of life, 

for the gift of Jesus our Savior, 

for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and 

for the gifts of Word and Sacrament to nourishes our souls.  

Like a potter at the wheel you created us,  

shaping us in secret in the hidden depths.   

You read our inmost thoughts and desires  

and you keep your hand upon us always,  

reshaping us as seems good to you  

whenever we allow ourselves to become  

misshapen, pressed into the world’s mold. 

Lord, lead us through the trials; 

the suffering and sorrow, 

the challenges and struggles, 

the tired times and dark places. 

And use those experiences to make us  

more like Jesus. 

Richard Herman

Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit: You taught us to pray not 

only for ourselves but for people everywhere:  

so now hear us as we pray for others, 

in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.  

We ask that You inspire Your whole church in power, unity, and peace. 

Grant that all who trust you may obey your Word, 

and live together in love. 

As we pray for the world, we ask that You lead all nations  

in the way of Your true justice and righteous goodwill. 

Direct those who govern, that they may rule fairly, maintain order,  

help those in need, and defend the oppressed; 

so this world may know your rule and experience true peace. 

Richard Herman

Lord – We come this morning at the start of another week to worship You, our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and end.  

You guided, protected, strengthened and blessed us this past week – for which we thank You and praise You.   

There’s no one like You.  There’s no one who loves us like You do; no one who knows us like You do; no one so good and so strong, so powerful and compassionate as You.   We worship You in glory.  

You bind us one to another – each of us to You and all of us to each other.  Together You make us Your family, marking us with the same Spirit.   Thank You. 

You show us Your way, give us Your truth and impart Your life to us in Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord – the One who we trust.  Bless you, God our Savior.     

Richard Herman