Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Wisdom

Sermon Illustrations on Wisdom

(Prayer of Adoration)

O Lord, Our Lord,  

how excellent is Your Name in all the earth! 

When we are faithless – You are faithful. 

When we wander – You come after us. 

When we’re alone – You draw near to us. 

When we are caught up in circumstances  

that seek to undo us –  

You take what we see as evil and work it for good, 

For in Your grace and power, 

You work all things for the good of those who love You 

and are called according to Your purpose. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, while Your love is consistent, eternal and strong, 

Our love is fickle, finite and easily swayed. 

So, we confess today  

that we have not loved You as You deserve, 

with our whole selves –  

heart, mind, soul, body and strength. 

Nor have we loved our neighbors as we love ourselves. 

We know Your good will for us, and we shun it. 

We think our ways are better than Your ways,  

and our wisdom wiser than Yours. 

We are wrong!  

So, hear now our silent confession of those things  

we are too ashamed to say aloud 

and too uncomfortable to share with anyone but You …   

(Pause)   …         AMEN. 

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord of yesterday, today and tomorrow: 

You alone rule the universe;  

setting times and seasons according to Your will. 

While nations and king come and go,  

You, only, are King of kings and Lord of lords;  

immortal and all-knowing,  

never lacking power and wisdom. 

You are strong; and you are good!  

Therefore, we joyously and reverently call you God and King. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, in spite of all we know of You –  

we are stubborn and rebellious still. 

We think ourselves wise – disregarding Your truth. 

We think ourselves strong – using violence to force our will. 

We think ourselves right –writing-off others and refusing to  

learn from them. 

We think ourselves good – ignoring our corruption and evil; 

pointing fingers and wagging tongues at others.  

Forgive our arrogance minds, self-centeredness hearts  

and ungracious spirits. 

Take away our hearts of stone; 

replace them with hearts of flesh, 

hearts that best after Your own heart. 

In silent moments, hear us confess what we’re too ashamed to name aloud – forgive and free us, Lord:  (Silence) 

 Richard Herman

At Your Feet

Rabbi Jesus, Teacher of teachers, thank you for empowering us to know and grow in wisdom and truth. You challenge us and stretch us and open us. You grant us grace to grow over time. We bless you for your patience and welcome. It gives us the confidence to draw near. 

See us here, at your feet, ready to go deeper, ready for the new life it will bring. Speak Lord, we’re listening… pause for a moment of silence. 

At your feet © 2023 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,