Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on the Body of Christ

Sermon Illustrations on The Body of Christ

Opening Prayer based on 1 Corinthians 12

Holy One, Giver of every good and perfect gift

It is your great grace that offers us salvation

It is grace upon grace that gives us the chance to join you in your saving work

You trust us that much

You empower us that far

Reveal our spiritual gifts

Reveal our calling in this time and place

so we may fulfill it together

so we may fulfill it for the common good

so we may honor you and one another

Holy One, convince us of our value and purpose,

Assure us of our place in your Body and our place in your plan

Use us for your glory, now and forever. Amen.

Opening Prayer based on 1 Corinthians 12 © 2022 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

(Prayer of Adoration)

Holy God of light and glory: 

You alone are good. 

You alone are pure and righteous. 

And, therefore,  

You alone are worthy of our praise,  

our devotion and honor. 

In the brilliance of Your light, 

we are revealed as we are and 

left speechless … without excuse; 

were it not for Your grace and mercy 

we are hopeless as well. 

 (Prayer of Confession)

Seeing who we really are, 

we can hide no longer behind our bravado, 

our rationalizations and our protests. 

We confess that we are sinners 

in need of your forgiveness. 

As individuals and as a body. 

we therefore join our hearts and voices to pray 

together confessing our sins … 

(time of silence)  AMEN. 

Richard Herman