Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Strength

Prayers of Confession on Strength

Wondrous God


Your joy is our strength


Nothing more

Nothing less

Nothing else


Grant us grace to receive you and your joy

Grant us grace to trust it above all other powers and plans

Grant us grace to bear it and share it as generously as you


For the honor is yours

The majesty is yours

and Your kingdom is at hand


Your Joy is Our Strength © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit;  

   God of hope, of new life— 

All our times are in Your hands.  

We thanks and praise You,  

for you are the Lord of our yesterdays, 

our todays and our tomorrows. 

In You, the old is redeemed and 

      everything has become new! 

Knowing that You are good and strong,  

loving, wise and faithful; 

we trust you with all that’s on our hearts today—  

from that which brings us to tears in laughter, 

to that which causes us to weep in sorrow.  

Loving God, we thank You 

for grace you’ve shone to us this week, 

for prayers to which you’ve said “yes” 

and those to which you’ve said, “No—I have a better idea.” 

Jesus—Lord of the church, 

we pray or this congregation: 

May they be anointed with your touch, 

empowered by Your Spirit; and 

formed in Your image 

so everyone may see You in them, 

and through them; 

that as You are lifted higher, 

You can draw all people to Yourself in glory. 

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord of yesterday, today and tomorrow: 

You alone rule the universe;  

setting times and seasons according to Your will. 

While nations and king come and go,  

You, only, are King of kings and Lord of lords;  

immortal and all-knowing,  

never lacking power and wisdom. 

You are strong; and you are good!  

Therefore, we joyously and reverently call you God and King. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, in spite of all we know of You –  

we are stubborn and rebellious still. 

We think ourselves wise – disregarding Your truth. 

We think ourselves strong – using violence to force our will. 

We think ourselves right –writing-off others and refusing to  

learn from them. 

We think ourselves good – ignoring our corruption and evil; 

pointing fingers and wagging tongues at others.  

Forgive our arrogance minds, self-centeredness hearts  

and ungracious spirits. 

Take away our hearts of stone; 

replace them with hearts of flesh, 

hearts that best after Your own heart. 

In silent moments, hear us confess what we’re too ashamed to name aloud – forgive and free us, Lord:  (Silence) 

 Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord, our Lord – How excellent is your name in all the earth. 

Because of who you are – we praise You. 

Because of what you’ve done – we thank You. 

You are a Father to the fatherless. 

the Strength of the weak, 

the Protector of the powerless, 

and an Advocate for the disenfranchised … 

just in all your ways and righteous in all your judgments. 

While those all around us spin facts and lie to us, 

You alone speak clear, unvarnished truth. 

While the love of most comes with small print and strings attached, 

Your love is gracious, unfettered and free. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet – when we encounter the light of Your purity, truth and glory, 

we ourselves are revealed for who we are, 

our shadow-sides are unmasked, 

our motives laid bare 

and we must confront what we’d rather hide or hide from.  

However, we know your grace is sufficient for even that, 

and Your mercy is lavish beyond imagination.   

So we humbly come to you confessing our errors, faults and sins –  

all of which are first degree –  


(Assurance of Pardon)

The love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. 

Nothing you do can make Him love you any less …  

so free and gracious is His love; 

And nothing you do can make Him love you any more …  

so abundant and overwhelming is His love for you. 

Because of His grace, mercy and love for us:  

I declare to you  

that by His grace active in your faith  

in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior –  

you are forgiven all your sins;  

and you are free  

to live life in the joy and fullness of the Spirit  

now and always.  AMEN!  

 Richard Herman