Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Self-Centered

Sermon Illustrations on Being Self-Centered

God of the Impossible – Father, Son and Holy Spirit: 

There’s nothing too hard for you to do, 

Nothing too complex for You to understand, 

No place we go that You’re not there, 

No sin too heinous that You’ll not forgive, 

And no time when You cease to love Your own. 

You amaze us with Your power and creativity; 

You overwhelm us with Your grace and love. 

Thank You! 

Thank You for inviting us to come as we are, not as we aren’t; 

upheld by your compassion and grace 

so we can freely confess to you our sin,  

duplicity and self-absorption. 

In the quiet, Lord, now hear our whispered confessions 

of what we’re too ashamed to say aloud to anyone but You, 

for You know us intimately – and still loves us immensely. 

 Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord of yesterday, today and tomorrow: 

You alone rule the universe;  

setting times and seasons according to Your will. 

While nations and king come and go,  

You, only, are King of kings and Lord of lords;  

immortal and all-knowing,  

never lacking power and wisdom. 

You are strong; and you are good!  

Therefore, we joyously and reverently call you God and King. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, in spite of all we know of You –  

we are stubborn and rebellious still. 

We think ourselves wise – disregarding Your truth. 

We think ourselves strong – using violence to force our will. 

We think ourselves right –writing-off others and refusing to  

learn from them. 

We think ourselves good – ignoring our corruption and evil; 

pointing fingers and wagging tongues at others.  

Forgive our arrogance minds, self-centeredness hearts  

and ungracious spirits. 

Take away our hearts of stone; 

replace them with hearts of flesh, 

hearts that best after Your own heart. 

In silent moments, hear us confess what we’re too ashamed to name aloud – forgive and free us, Lord:  (Silence) 

 Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Father God … our Abba: 

You seek us with relentless love – coming after us in Your Son, Jesus. 

When we are in the pits – You draws us up and out; 

When we are broken – You fix us. 

When we are lost – You find us. 

When we are confused about who we are – 

You call us by name and calls us Your own. 

With hearts stilled and filled with Your love: 

We bring our thanks and praise to You today.  

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet – how often we forget who we are as Your children. 

We live like we are not Yours but someone else’s; 

Like we are not created in Your image, 

redeemed by the blood of Your Son, 

indwelt by Your very self in the Holy Spirit. 

Forgive our wandering hearts, our lusty spirits, 

Our self-centered attitudes and selfish actions. 

Richard Herman