Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Revelation

Prayers of Confession on Revelation

God of light and truth,

you are beyond our grasp or conceiving.

Before the brightness of your presence

the angels veil their faces.

With lowly reverence and adoring love

we acclaim your glory

and sing your praise,

for you have shown us your truth and love

in Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen

The Service for the Lord’s Day. The Worship of God: Supplemental Liturgical Resource 1. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1984.

Gracious God of love – Father, Son and Holy Spirit: 

We are grateful that You’ve revealed yourself to us, 

telling us that each of us loved by You as children, 

each precious in Your sight, each a reflection of You, 

each bound together by love, which is Your presence among us. 

We come to you, O God, weary and carrying heavy burdens. 

Some of us bear the yoke of illness –  

and so we lift to you our needs for healing, 

and for others in need of being made well.   

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Holy God of light and glory: 

You alone are good. 

You alone are pure and righteous. 

And, therefore,  

You alone are worthy of our praise,  

our devotion and honor. 

In the brilliance of Your light, 

we are revealed as we are and 

left speechless … without excuse; 

were it not for Your grace and mercy 

we are hopeless as well. 

(Prayer of Adoration)

Seeing who we really are, 

we can hide no longer behind our bravado, 

our rationalizations and our protests. 

We confess that we are sinners 

in need of your forgiveness. 

As individuals and as a body. 

we therefore join our hearts and voices to pray 

together confessing our sins … 

(time of silence)  AMEN. 

Richard Herman

Living and present Lord: 

You often surprise us, coming when we least expect it; 

Or. You simply fold back the curtain to show us  

You’ve been there all along 

to give us hope  

and to open our eyes to see You,  

and Your world, in new ways. 

You walk were we walk.   

You feel what we feel. 

Although You love as we are,  

You love us too much to leave us that way. 

Thank You! 

 Richard Herman