Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Mystery

Prayers of Confession on Mystery

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity and in the power of the divine majesty to worship the Unity: keep us steadfast in this faith, that we may evermore be defended from all adversities; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 

Most exalted Trinity, divinity above all knowledge, whose goodness passes understanding, who guides Christians to divine wisdom; direct our way to the summit of your mystical oracles, most incomprehensible, most lucid and most exalted, where the simple and pure and unchangeable mysteries of theology are revealed in the darkness, clearer than light; a darkness that shines brighter than light, that invisibly and intangibly illuminates with splendors of inconceivable beauty the soul that sees not. Let this be my prayer. 

Denys (Dionysius) the pseudo-Areopagite

Holy and Gracious God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

We give you thanks for the gift of life, 

for the gift of Jesus our Savior, 

for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and 

for the gift of this sacrament that nourishes our souls. 

Like a potter at the wheel you created us,  

shaping us in secret in the hidden depths.   

You read our inmost thoughts and desires  

and you keep your hand upon us always,  

reshaping us as seems good to you  

whenever we allow ourselves to become  

misshapen, pressed into the world’s mold. 

Lord, lead us through the trials; 

the suffering and sorrow, 

the challenges and struggles, 

the tired times and dark places. 

And use those experiences to make us  

more like Jesus.  

Richard Herman

Father, Son, Holy Spirit – our God,  

Mysterious, Awe-Inspiring, Wonderful,  


You surprise us 

 not with flashing lights, loud crashing noises, 

 and constant activity.   

You surprise us in stillness and silence, in quiet and peace.  

Forgive us for equating motion, volume and activity  

with significance, truth and what really counts. 

In stillness we come now with our burdens and our worries,  

with our commitments and our dreams,  

with our hopes and fears  

– knowing you alone can do something with them.    

You are good and you are strong,  

you are compassionate and you are sovereign in all things,  

so we trust you. 

Richard Herman

Opening Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday


Radiant Christ,

You are Mystery

You are Holy

You are God

Give us eyes to see you and your glory

Eyes to see your sustaining and saving

Eyes to see your future and your now

Eyes to see and to follow. Amen

Radiant Christ © 2021 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,