Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Growth

Sermon Quotes on Growth

God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—You are ever the same  

in Your grace and truth, Your power and love; 

Yet, You always challenge us to grow, change  

and become more like Jesus. 

We’re not yet what we want to be, what we hope to be  

and what we will be –  

but thanks be to You, we’re no longer what we used to be. 


And we thank you for the hope of change— 

for without it, we would shrivel up and die. 

It’s that hope which calls us to pray  

for those who are sick or injured, those challenged physically,  

emotionally, mentally or spiritually – and to ask You  

to heal them, to restore them, to make them whole

Richard Herman

At Your Feet

Rabbi Jesus, Teacher of teachers, thank you for empowering us to know and grow in wisdom and truth. You challenge us and stretch us and open us. You grant us grace to grow over time. We bless you for your patience and welcome. It gives us the confidence to draw near. 

See us here, at your feet, ready to go deeper, ready for the new life it will bring. Speak Lord, we’re listening… pause for a moment of silence. 

At your feet © 2023 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Make Us Wise

Glorious One, you alone are our Rock and Redeemer. We trust you, your Holy Word, your Holy Wisdom, to put all things in right relationship.

Make us wise. Let the words of our mouths be acceptable to you. Let our every desire be acceptable to you. Let the resting place of our hearts be acceptable to you.

Open us to your growth and guidance. May our renewal bring hope and peace to your world. May our rebirth bring you delight and glory, now and forever. Amen.

Make us wise © 2023 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,